Second: Purity from Hadath


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First: Niyyah (intention)Ruling of Masloos:

Article 327- The purpose of “purity from Hadath” is that Muhrim should be pure from Janabat, menstruation and lochia and have performed ablution for prayer.


Article 328- “purity from Hadath” is a condition of obligatory Tawaf and it is not a condition in Mustahab Tawaf, although it is better to be pure, therefore if the pilgrim is in the state of Janabat, menstruation or lochia and has forgotten and has performed Tawaf in this way then his/her Mustahab Tawaf is correct, but if he/she has knowledge and awareness about the matter then his/her Tawaf is not correct because it is Haraam for a Jonob person to stay in Masjid al-Haraam, but performing Mustahab Tawaf without ablution for prayer doesn’t have problem.


Article 329- Whenever a pilgrim who has not performed ablution for prayer or has not been pure from Janabat, menstruation of lochia has performed Tawaf then his/her Tawaf is invalidated although it has been performed because of negligence, forgetfulness or ignorance about the issue.


Article 330- Whenever Muhrim doesn’t have water available or cannot use water also cannot wait until his/her excuse removes then it is obligatory to perform Tayammum instead of that; it can be Tayammum instead of Ghusl or instead of ablution for prayer and then he/she performs Tawaf.


Article 331- If Muhrim performs Tayammum instead of Ghusl and then performs one of invalidators of ablution then there is no need to repeat Tayammum instead of Ghusl and performs Tayammum instead of ablution, and until one of causes of Ghusl is not happened and his/her excuse is still remained then that first Tayammum instead of Ghusl is enough.


Article 332- If he/she hopes that his/her excuse will be removed then it is obligatory precaution to wait until the last opportunity, and if his/her excuse didn’t removed then performs Tayammum.


Article 333- If Muhrim was pure and has doubt that whether Hadath has been happened or not then don’t pay attention to his/her doubt and it is not necessary to perform Taharah (purity) again.


Article 334- Whenever Muhrim is certain that Ghusl has become obligatory to him/her or his/her ablution is invalidated and then doubts that whether he/she has perform Ghusl or ablution or not then he/she should perform the duty of Ghusl or ablution for prayer.


Article 335- Whenever Muhrim doubts after performing Tawaf that whether he/she has performed that with ablution or Ghusl then his/her Tawaf is correct; but he/she should perform that for later acts (which needs ablution or Ghusl).


Article 336- If Muhrim doubts during Tawaf that whether he/she has performed ablution or not and doesn’t know his/her previous condition about ablution and Hadath, if it is after finishing the fourth round then he/she leaves Tawaf and performs ablution and continue the rest from that point and then performs it again as a precaution, and if it is before the fourth round his/her Tawaf is invalidated.


Article 337- Whenever Muhrim doubts during Tawaf that whether he/she has performed a Ghusl which was obligatory him/her or not, he/she should exit Masjid al-Haraam immediately and return after perform Ghusl, then if he/she has at least finished four rounds then continues from the point and it is a precaution to perform that again after finishing Tawaf; and if it was before the fourth round then starts from the beginning.


Article 338- Women can delay their menstruation by using pills and perform Tawaf and Umrah and it doesn’t have problem for their Umrah.


Article 339- Whenever women sees blood drops after using pills and this doesn’t continue for three days then it doesn’t consider as menstruation. They perform ablution and their acts are correct.


Article 340- Whenever a woman sees blood drops in other than menstruation days, and performs Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf considering that that was not menstruation bleeding, and sees blood in the night after Tawaf which has all conditions of menstruation bleeding, if she is certain that after seeing blood drops (in the night before Tawaf) blood was inside and has not been discontinued then those drops have the ruling of menstruation and her Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf is invalidated but her Umrah is correct. But she should performs Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf again (after finishing menstruation and performing Ghusl), but if she has doubt or is certain that drops have been discontinued for a while (and this is new blood) then it doesn’t have the ruling of menstruation and her acts are correct.


Article 341- Whenever a person is performing obligatory Tawaf and his/her ablution becomes invalidated then renews the ablution and returns. If he/she has completed four rounds then performs the rest and if it was less than four rounds then starts from the beginning; and if a women menstruates during Tawaf then she should exit Masjid al-Haraam immediately and her ruling is the same after becoming pure.


Article 342- If a Muhrim stops Tawaf because of necessity that is happened for one of religious brothers or sisters then he/she should act according to the previous article.


Article 343- Whenever Muhrim becomes severely ill during Tawaf in the way that he/she cannot continue Tawaf then he/she stops Tawaf, and after healing if he/she has completed four rounds then performs the rest and if it was less than that then starts Tawaf again, and if illness continues and he/she couldn’t perform Tawaf personally then others carry him/her performing Tawaf and if he/she couldn’t perform Tawaf in this way either then takes a proxy.


Article 345- Sitting doesn’t have problem during Tawaf for removing tiredness, but it is obligatory precaution to observe the conventional sequence (it means to perform Tawaf without long pauses and in sequential rounds).


Question 346- A person notices after performing Taqsir that he/she didn’t have ablution during Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf, or his/her ablution was invalidated, now what is his/her duty? Is it necessary to wear clothing of Ihram again and performs Tawaf?

Answer: He/she should perform Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf again and his/her Umrah is correct and there is no need to wear clothing of Ihram.


Question 347- Ablution of one of Hajjis invalidated during the last round of Tawaf. He completed Tawaf with that condition and then performed ablution and started Tawaf again from the beginning and performed prayer of Tawaf and Sa’y and Taqsir after that. Is his act correct?

Answer: Second Tawaf and acts after that are correct; although he could completed Tawaf and suffices to that.


Question 348- A person performs Umrah al-Mufradah as the proxy of his father and the next day wears Ihram as the proxy of his mother and during second Umrah recognizes that he had performed Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf of the first Umrah without ablution. Now, what is his duty?

Answer: He performs Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf of first Umrah again and continues second Umrah with the intention Rija’ (Attention that it is not permitted to perform more than one Umrah in one lunar month, except with the intention of Rija’, which means hoping for the goodness of the act not absolutely).


Question 349- A person, who had to perform Jabirah ablution and Tayammum, has performed acts of Umrah without Tayammum because of ignorance about the religious rulings. What is his duty?

Answer: Tawaf and its prayer should be performed again and it is a precaution to also perform the acts after Tawaf and its prayer again.


Question 350- We reached Masjid al-Haraam at the time of dawn prayer. Caravan administrator said: “Wait a while; we perform Tawaf after the dawn prayer”. I went to sleep because of tiredness and because I didn’t find water available I performed Tayammum and performed Tawaf and prayer with Tayammum. Are my acts correct?

Answer: If it was possible for you to perform ablution, although by going to station and performing the acts (for example) in the next day then Tayammum was not correct. Your duty is to perform Tawaf and its prayer again, and if you cannot do that then take a proxy.


Question 351- A person feels that his/her clothing has become impure (Najis) during obligatory Tawaf but doesn’t pay attention and performs Tawaf and the acts in that condition, then checks the clothing and finds out for certain that it has gotten impure during Tawaf, and returns home without compensation of the acts. Now, what is his/her duty? Is he/she still in the state of Ihram?

Answer: If the person was not certain that his/her ablution is invalidated and his/her clothing has become impure (although has gained certainty after the acts) then he/she has exited from the state of Ihram, but should perform Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf again, and if he/she cannot perform that personally then should take a proxy.


Question 352- A woman is more than fifty solar years and it is one and a half year that she doesn’t menstruate; but has seen blood during Ihram. Is it possible to have doubt about her menopause? What is her duty?

Answer: Whenever it doesn’t have the conditions and features of menstruation then it has the ruling of Istihaza (undue menstruation) and her Hajj and Tawaf is correct by performing the duties of a woman in the state of Istihaza.


Question 353- Whenever Sayyeda women see blood that has all conditions of menstruation after sixty and non-Sayyeda after fifty then what should they do for Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf?

Answer: It has the ruling of menstruation by having all condition of menstruation. Also in our environment, Sayyeda women doesn’t have the ruling of women of Quraish and they also enter the state of menopause after fifty lunar years (about 48.5 solar years), which means any suspicious blood that they see has the ruling of Istihaza.


Question 354- A woman has the state of minor Istihaza during Tawaf. What is her duty?

Answer: If it is after completing the fourth round then finishes Tawaf after renewing the ablution and purifying the body and clothing, and if it is before the fourth round then starts Tawaf from the beginning after renewing the ablution and purifying.


Question 355- A woman in the state of Istihaza performs Tawaf after performing Ghusl and ablution, but she sees blood drops during Tawaf. What is her duty?

Answer: If she is bleeding continuously and she had perform her duty and has prevented bleeding as much as possible then she has no other duty to perform, but if bleeding has stopped completely and he performed Ghusl and after that bleeding has started again then it has the ruling of new Hadath.


Question 356- A woman in the state of Istihaza who has to perform Ghusl and ablution for prayer and by performing these acts her acts are delayed which sometimes this delay is long, like returning station for Ghusl. Does this delay have problem?

Answer: As it has been said before, when a woman in the state of Istihaza performs the duty of Ghusl for prayers then she is pure and there is no other Ghusl necessary for performing Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf.


Question 357- A woman in the state of Istihaza performed Ghusl or ablution and started Tawaf. During Tawaf the noon prayer began and she paused her Tawaf and performed the prayer. After the prayer, she continued Tawaf with that Ghusl or ablution for prayer. Was her Tawaf correct?

Answer: Whenever a woman in the state of major Istihaza performs Ghusls of prayers in time then there absolutely no other Ghusl obligatory to him for performing Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf.


Question 358- Some of women eat pills for preventing menstruation especially for performing the acts of Hajj; nevertheless they see few blood drops during Ihram. Does it harm their acts?

Answer: If these drops don’t continue for three continuous days then they have the ruling of Istihaza and don’t harm the acts of Hajj, and the person should act according to the acts of Istihaza and if she saw only few drops and they had not continued then only ablution is obligatory and Ghusl is not necessary.


Question 359- What is the duty of a woman who has seen blood after Tawaf of Umrah about the next acts? Is it possible that it is menstruation and stops by eating pills?

Answer: If she assumes that this bleeding stops by eating pills then she performs prayer of Tawaf and Sa’y ad Taqsir and Tawaf of Nisa’ by purifying and performing ablution and Ghusl and the duties of woman in the state of Istihaza, and if it is recognized that she has performed the acts in the state of menstruation then she performs prayer of Tawaf and Tawaf of Nisa’ and its prayer again after becoming pure and if she has certainty about menstruation then goes out of the mosque and performs prayer of Tawaf and the following acts after becoming pure and if there is no time left then she takes a proxy for performing Tawaf of Umrah and Tawaf of Nisa’ and its prayer.


Question 360- If a woman who has fixed menstruation days and for examples menstruation lasts for seven days becomes pure in the seventh day and performed Ghusl and then performs the acts of Hajj, but sees blood drops after that, then how are her acts?

Answer: If her acts have been performed while she was pure then they are correct.


Question 361- The order of menstruation of some women is disordered because of eating contraceptive pills in the way that the see blood and blood drops for a long time. What is the duty of this group of women is Hajj?

Answer: If bleeding continues for three days and it happens in the menstruation days, although in the way that purity is inside for three days after beginning, then it has the ruling of menstruation. Unless, it has the ruling of Istihaza.


Question 362- A woman doesn’t menstruate; but she sees secretions and blood drops for two or three days every two months. What is her duty?

Answer: If bleeding wasn’t continuously, although inside, for three days then it has the ruling of Istihaza.


Question 363- A woman has performed Ghusl with the intention of Ghusl of Janabat after become pure from menstruation because of ignorance about religious rulings and because she thought that she was in the state of Janabat, and has performed the acts with this Ghusl. What is the ruling of her Umrah?

Answer: If her purpose was to perform Ghusl for menstruation and called that Janabat then her act is correct.


Question 364- A person recognizes after performing the acts that Ghusl of touching the dead body was obligatory to him and he has not performed that yet. Is his Umrah correct?

Answer: If he has performed another obligatory of Mustahab Ghusl then it is enough and his acts are correct and now he has no other duty to perform; although his Umrah doesn’t have problem, but it is obligatory to perform Tawafs and prayers again and if he cannot then he should take a proxy.


Question 365- A single girl has become Jonob (person in the state of Janabat) at the beginning of her adolescence; but she has not performed Ghusl of Janabat yet, but she has performed other Ghusls like Ghusl of menstruation and Ghusl of Friday and has performed Umrah in this condition. Please tell that:

1- What is the condition worships that she has performed after that state until now?

2- Is she still in the state of Ihram and are all prohibited acts of Ihram Haraam to her?

3- What is the ruling of her Umrah, and what is her duty now?

Answer: If she has performed another Ghusl then it is enough; therefore, the acts that she has performed after Ghusl of Friday or menstruation including her Umrah are correct, but she should perform Ghazaa of prayers that she has performed after Janabat and before the first Ghusl gradually, and if she has not performed any Ghusl until Umrah then she should perform obligatory Tawafs and their prayers again and if she cannot then she should take a proxy, and she should abstain from fragrance, marriage and prohibited acts that become Halaal by performing Tawaf of Nisa’ as a precaution until performing these acts again.


Question 366- Whenever a Muhrim become Jonob and water harms him and the there is also not enough time, is performing Tawaf and its prayer with Tayammum enough or should he also take a proxy?

Answer: It is enough and it is not necessary to take a proxy.


Question 367- A woman performs Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf assuming that she has become pure and starts Sa’y. She recognizes during Sa’y that she has not become pure yet, what is her duty? What is her duty if she recognizes after performing Sa’y?

Answer: In the first condition, she stops Sa’y and performs Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf and Sa’y after becoming pure and in the second condition performing Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf again is necessary and also performs again as a precaution.


Question 368- If a woman become Muhrim with the intention of Umrah al-Mufradah and menstruates after that, and her menstruation continues all the days that she is in Mecca, what should she do for Umrah al-Mufradah? What is her duty if she has return to Iran without performing the acts of?

Answer: In the conditions of the question, she should take a proxy for performing Tawaf and prayer of Tawaf and performs the rest of the acts by herself, and if she has returned to Iran then she should go back and perform her acts, and if she cannot then she should take a proxy for the acts of Umrah, but she should perform Taqsir personally and observe the order of Taqsir and the other acts and she remains in the state of Ihram until she performs the acts of Umrah.


First: Niyyah (intention)Ruling of Masloos: