8- Using Fragrance


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7- Looking in the Mirror9- Applying Oils on the Body

Article 184- Using fragrance like perfumes, musk, saffron, rose water and other things by smelling, rubbing on the body or clothes, or spraying in the room or eating fragrant foods are Haraam for Muhrim men and women.


Article 185- Eating fragrant fruits like apple and orange and like them has not problem, but it is better to abstain from smelling their fragrance.


Article 186- It is obligatory precaution to abstain from all kinds of fragrant flowers and vegetables.


Article 187- Buying and selling perfumes has not problem in the state of Ihram, but Muhrim should not smell or use them even as a test.


Article 188- It is a precaution that Muhrim abstains from cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and all the things that have fragrance.


Article 189- Muhrim cannot wash himself/herself with aromatic soaps and shampoos, and it is necessary to abstain from putting these things beside the clothing of Ihram, which causes them to be fragrant.


Article 190- Whenever Muhrim reaches places which there are pleasant odors in there then he/she should put something on his nose in order not to smell the fragrance, except that this act causes him/her strong hardness; but if Muhrim reaches a place with unpleasant odors then he/she should not keep his/her nose but he/she can pass that place rapidly.


Article 191- If Muhrim has to wear a clothing that has pleasant odor or eat a fragrant food then he/she should put something on his/her nose in order to prevent smelling that odor, except that this act causes him hardness.


Article 192- It is famous that smelling and using Khuluq of Ka'ba (the thing that authorities perfume Ka'ba with that) is not Haraam; but because it is not known that what Khuluq of Ka'ba is then it is a precaution to presently abstain from the fragrant that is applied on Ka'ba, too.


Article 193- If Muhrim uses fragrance deliberately then it is obligatory precaution to pay the atonement of one sheep.


Article 194- If Muhrim uses fragrance several times in one time then it seems that one sheep will suffice but it is a precaution to pay several atonements, and if he/she uses fragrance in different times then he/she should not renounce repeating the atonement, and if Muhrim pays the atonement after using fragrance and uses fragrance again then it is obligatory to pay the atonement again.


Question 195- Is it permissible for Muhrim to use soaps with odor, although it is not very pleasant odor?

Answer: If it is considered as fragrance then Muhrim should abstain from that unless it doesn’t have problem, and if he/she has doubt about the matter then it doesn’t have problem.


7- Looking in the Mirror9- Applying Oils on the Body