5- Wearing Ornaments


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4- Covering the Face (for women)6- Applying Mascara and Kohl

Article 166- It is not permitted for men to wear ornamental rings; but the rings which are used for blessings has no problems if they are not ornamental. Therefore, the pilgrim should abstain from wearing ornamental rings, even if they are used for ornamental purposes or blessings.


Article 167- If a pilgrim wears a ring neither for ornamental purposes nor blessings, for example wear it for its especial features, and it is not considered as ornament in common law then it doesn’t have problem.


Article 168- Wearing ornaments is absolutely Haraam for a woman in the state of Ihram, but ornaments that she had been used commonly before can be worn in the state of Ihram if she hide them, and she should not show them to men even her husband.


Article 169- Using henna is not permitted for men and women if it has ornamental purposes.


Article 170- It is obligatory precaution that Muhrim even man or woman, abstain from wearing any other kinds of ornament, even he/she should not wear ornamented clothing of Ihram or sandals and abstain from any kind of makeup and decoration for the head, face or other parts of the body.


Article 171- Coloring the hairs has problem for Muhrim if it is called decorating, even if he/she have not intended for decoration, and if it has no decorating purpose (like using henna for treatment) then it doesn’t have problem; also coloring the hairs and using henna before Ihram in the way that its effects remain until Ihram has not problem, unless the pilgrim had intended for decoration for Ihram from the beginning, that usually no one does that.


Article 172- Wearing ornaments is Haraam for women in the state of Ihram but it has not atonement.


Question 173- You have said about ornamentation of women in the state of Ihram: “If she ornaments with the intention of remaining that ornamentation before Ihram, and its effects can be seen also after Ihram then it has problem”, is this ruling Taklifi (injunctive; like Haraam, obligatory, Mustahab…) or Vaz’ee?

Answer: The foresaid ruling is Taklifi; and her Ihram doesn’t invalidate and it has no atonement.


4- Covering the Face (for women)6- Applying Mascara and Kohl