Third: Purity from Najasat (impurity)


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Ruling of Mabtoon (incontinent in defecating):Fourth: Circumcision for Men

Article 372- The body and clothing of Tawaf-performer (whether in obligatory or Mustahab Tawaf) should be pure of any impurity, even some of impurities which have been forgiven for prayer (like blood less than one dirham) are not forgiven in Tawaf, but about blood of injuries, if washing them causes severe hardness then it doesn’t harm Tawaf.


Article 375- If small parts of clothes like socks, hat or coin bag, which are not enough to cover private parts solely are impure then it doesn’t have problem.


Article 376- If purifying the blood of injuries causes severe hardness then washing them is not necessary, but it is obligatory precaution to purify the body and change clothes as much as possible and in amount that doesn’t causes hardness.


Article 377- If it is possible to purify the body and clothing by delaying Tawaf then it is a precaution to do that on the condition that there is enough time.


Article 378- Whenever clothing or the body is impure and the pilgrim doesn’t know or he/she knew but now has forgotten, if recognizes the matter after Tawaf then Tawaf is correct, and if recognizes the matter during Tawaf then he/she should change that clothing and continue Tawaf with pure clothing and if he/she doesn’t have pure clothing with him/her then stops Tawaf and rinses clothing or the body and then performs the rest of Tawaf and his/her Tawaf is correct, whether it happens before completing the fourth round or after that.


Article 379- If Muhrim has doubt about the purity of his/her body or clothing then he/she can perform Tawaf in that condition, whether knows that they were pure before or not, but if he/she is certain that it was impure before and doesn’t know that did he/she purify that or not then cannot perform Tawaf in that condition, and should purify first and then perform Tawaf.


Article 380- If the body or clothing of Muhrim becomes impure during Tawaf then he/she pauses Tawaf and rinses the body or clothing then continues Tawaf from the place that he/she had paused and his/her Tawaf is correct, whether it is before completing the fourth round or after that.


Article 381- If Muhrim sees an impurity on his body or clothing during Tawaf and assumes that it is happened during Tawaf then acts according to the previous article.


Question 382- A person saw an impurity on his body in the sixth round of Tawaf and was certain that it has happened in previous rounds, but completed Tawaf without noticing this matter and performed Tawaf again after purifying his body, and then performed other acts of Umrah. Is his Umrah correct?

Answer: His act doesn’t have problem.


Question 383- A person recognizes some blood on his nose. Cleans that with handkerchief and continues Tawaf. Is this Tawaf correct?

Answer: If his/her nose has become Najis then he/she should rinse that and completes Tawaf, and if he/she doesn’t perform this act then it is a precaution to complete Tawaf after purifying and performs prayer and then performs Tawaf and prayer again.


Question 384- What is the ruling of infants who urinate in their diaper during Tawaf or Sa’y?

Answer: Their Hajj is correct; god willing.


Ruling of Mabtoon (incontinent in defecating):Fourth: Circumcision for Men