Way of treatment of moral deviations


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Big mistake Hygiene of morality

Now, we shall study details of moral virtues and way of treatment of moral vices. But two points are noteworthy:

First point: We shall always treat with those involved in moral deviations like a patient, because as it was already referred, moral deviations are in fact a sort of mental disease, which sometimes result in physical diseases too, and or vice versa sometimes they originate from physical diseases. Thus, we shall observe herein the same principles which we observe in the treatment of physical diseases.

Second point: we always consider three principles in the treatment of diseases:

1- diagnosis of disease

2- finding causes of disease

3- way of treatment of disease

We usually use symptoms and consequences of disease for its diagnosis. Of course, this is a relatively simple task in respect to physical diseases, especially with existing facilities and equipment. But in view of moral cases, it is a very complicated matter, because moral deviations often have similar manifestations and symptoms, or there are some manifestations which are caused by a mixture of several moral diseases, and their diagnosis becomes difficult, and thus the ethics scholar and soul physician should study this science patiently and carefully for treating himself or the others.

For finding the causes of a disease, one should also study carefully biography of the deviated person, specially the backgrounds of his childhood period, which constitutes foundation of man's personality, as well as his family and social environment, his occupation and job and geographical area for recognizing the causes of a moral disease. Even heritage should not be ignored, because ill-humor (like physical diseases) is sometimes inheritable.

And for treating moral vices, it should be noted that if they have become chronic, they should be treated patiently and carefully and vigilantly, and one shall never get tired by lapse of time. However, if they are superficial and extrinsic, they will be treated in a shorter period.

For this reason, correction of moral vices of youths and children is much easier than adults. Because the former are both tainted and treated soon.

Imam Sadegh A.S. said:

«عَلَیْکَ بِالاَْحْداثِ فَاِنَّهُمْ اَسْرَعُ اِلى کُلِّ خَیْر».

Pay attention to the youths, who are ready for quick acceptance of any goodness.(1)

1- Horre Ameli, Vassaelo Shiite, 447/11



Big mistake Hygiene of morality