Monkery among Christians


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Mental origin The most critical issue in the social life is that how we can form a great and powerful unit from the small units?

The existing histories of Christianity indicate that monkery, in present form, did not exist in the first centuries of Christianity, and its appearance dates back to third Christian century, when the Roman Emperor, called Dissious, conflicted vigorously with the Christians, and after being defeated by this Emperor, they escaped and resorted to the mountains and deserts.(1)

It is noteworthy that the same is narrated in the traditions of Prophet S.A., when he said to Ebne Masoud: Do you know whereof monkery originates?

He said: God and His Prophet are more informed!

He said: Some of the unjust rulers appeared after Christ A.S., and the believers fought them three times, and when they were defeated, escaped to the deserts and mountains and waited for appearance of the Promised Prophet of Christ (Mohammad S.A.), and engaged in worship therein.(2)

Viel Dorant, the famous Christian historian writes a detailed discussion in respect to monks in the volume 31 of his history. He believes that joining of nuns to the monks was started from fourth century A.C., and monkery developed increasingly so that it was in its utmost degree of progress in the tenth Christian century.

Then he narrates a detailed explanation about the situation of convents, and the custom of giving up marriage and attempt of monks for inhabiting the arid lands and agriculture, hand crafts, embroidery and other amusements of nuns.

One of the most basic requisites of monkery was giving up marriage absolutely.

Farid Vajdi narrates in the encyclopedia that some of the monks assumed attention to the female so satanic that they even did not accept to take a female animal into the house, for the fear of their spirituality to be damaged by its satanic spirit!

However, the history remembers a lot of calamities and tragedies so that Pop third Inossan described one of the convents as lupanar!(3)

And some of them were a center for gathering of epicures and secularists and sensual people and the best wines were prepared there!

1- Refer to the encyclopedia of twentieth century, article monk
2- Refer to Majmaol Bayan commentary, under verse 27 of The Iron sura, and Beharol Anvar, volume 70, subject forbiddance of monkery
3- Viel Dorant, history of civilization, 443/13



Mental origin The most critical issue in the social life is that how we can form a great and powerful unit from the small units?