Scale for evaluation of good and bad morality


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Studying and criticism Effect of seclusion and dissociability in morality

Not all of moral concepts are clear and obvious. Of course, some concepts such as bravery, generosity and self sacrifice are so clear that nobody doubts in their virtue, and their opposite side (fear, stinginess and selfishness) are obviously among the vices.

But some others may be discussed and doubted in view of being a virtue or a vice. Thus, we can not pursue moral discussions without having a clear evaluation scale.

For instance, nowadays some of materialist scientists like Bertherand Russel suggest: if performing an action, whatsoever it may be, does not cause a loss for the others, we do not have any reason for condemning it, and we can not condemn an action only for being tabooed (something which religion or custom regards as forbidden with no reason) and called obscene by an old religion. We shall only consider profit and loss of the action.(1)

Following this belief, he prescribes a lot of obscene moralities and actions for not being harmful for the others (including adultery and homosexuality! if both parties agree).

Some other materialists like communists believe that most of ancient moral principles have been caused by capitalism economy, and since it is abolished, these principles are eliminated, and so they restrict ethic to the affairs which help to creation or continuation of proletarian revolution (proletariat)!

Thus, we shall see what the evaluation scale in these cases is and how we can recognize that an action has a moral and virtuous aspect or is immoral and a vice?

If we want to discuss in this regard in religious view, our duty is exactly clear, because after recognizing Islam's legitimacy and rightfulness for definite reasons, we shall refer to definite evidences in Quran and practice of the Prophet S.A. for evaluation of principles of moral virtues and vices.

And in intellectual view, we shall consider this principle that any moral factor supporting man's perfection is a virtue, and any factor degenerating him, is a vice.

But it is noteworthy that a man should not be studied only in view of material aspect and primary requirements in this life. Rather, the spiritual and immaterial aspects in which most of man's honors are summarized and the material life too is a means of attainment to it, should be exactly noticed.

Therefore, an evil and undesirable action may not cause any difficulty for the others, but result in degeneration of the doer in humanistic and spiritual aspects. Certainly, such action will be a vice.

Those who consider only material aspects, have actually known half of man's existence (the lesser and smaller half), while the ethic principles should be studied based on knowing man's overall existence (including body and soul).

And even worse is communistic ethics, which not only has ignored man's spiritual aspects, but also has focused merely on one part (economic part) in material aspects and has studied man in this respect.

It goes without saying that since such moral doctrines are not accompanied with correct realism and anthropology they can not cause correct effects, and surely they will involve in great mistakes in distinction of moral virtues and vices.

Therefore, as it was already told, the correct intellectual and logical basis in studying moral principles is man's perfection in all aspects, and recognizing whatsoever help it, and studying the virtues and vices accordingly.

1- Narrated from the book, The World which I know, page 68



Studying and criticism Effect of seclusion and dissociability in morality