Purification of carnal soul or the greater warfare


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Calling purification of carnal soul as the greater warfare suffices for its importance, and this interpretation is derived from the famous tradition in which Prophet S.A. told to the warriors of his companions after returning from one of the battles:

«مَرْحَباً بِقَوْم قَضَوُا الْجِهادَ الاَْصْغَرَ وَ بَقِیَ عَلَیْهِمُ الْجِهادُ الاَْکْبَرُ. فَقِیلَ: یا رَسُولَ اللهِ مَا الْجِهادُ الاَْکْبَرُ؟ قالَ: جِهادُ النَّفْسِ».

Bravo to the crowd who performed lesser warfare and the greater warfare is still left undone. They told: what is the greater warfare? He answered: warfare and conflict with rebellious sensual desires.(1)

This phrase too is narrated from the Prophet following this tradition:

«اِنَّ اَفْضَلَ الْجِهادِ مَنْ جاهَدَ نَفْسَهُ الَّتِی بَیْنَ جَنْبَیْهِ»

The highest warfare is warfare with rebellious desires, which are inside man's chest.(2)

This statement can explain Islam's logic in this critical issue and after studying and reviewing, following facts are found out thereof:

1- There are always antagonistic powers in man like a battlefield, and destiny of man depends on the dominance of one of these two parts of powers.

2- This warfare is called the greater warfare since it is an eternal and unceasing one. Moreover, an internal battle is always more dangerous than an external battle, and more important, defeat in this warfare has no result save misery and misfortune, while defeat in common warfare may result in acquiring the honor of martyrdom. That is to say, warfare with external enemy has never a real defeat, but there is a high possibility of defeat in inner warfare.

3- Although this warfare is painful, it is the code of man's perfection, because perfection is usually the outcome of conflicts and struggle of negative and positive powers, and this is the reason why man does not become experienced and trained unless he is involved in the events and struggles with problems as Imam Ali A.S. says: The wood of forest trees (which are always exposed to a lot of incidents) is more strong and their fire is more durable.

And herein the mystery of creation of these antagonist powers and sensual desires is manifested.

4- Warfare with outward enemy may occasionally be performed for material purposes (collecting booties or achieving fame and such like), but inner warfare will be always for gaining perfection and achieving virtue. So overcoming therein indicates decision, will and belief power as well as prominence of ambition and greatness of man's personality.

1- Horre Ameli, Vassaelo Shiite, 122/11, narration 1
2- The same book, 123, narration 9



Ill humor is a sort of disease Prosperity and happiness