Lie in exceptional cases


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Way of Treating lie What is equivocation?

The great jurists and ethic scholars following the traditions narrated in this respect, have mentioned some cases as exceptional from lie judgment, and have summarized some of them in two subjects: exigency and reconciliation among people.

It is narrated in a tradition from the Prophet S.A.:

«اِحْلِفْ بِاللهِ کاذِباً وَ نَجِّ اَخاکَ مِنَ الْقَتْلِ».

Swear falsely and save your innocent brother from death!(1)

Herein, two points are notable:

First, all cases of exception actually return to one subject that lie is only permitted for more important expedients overshadowing its disadvantages, and of course, this is not restricted to truthfulness and falsehood. Rather other forbidden things such as eating carrion, eating unclean food, orphan molestation and such like are permitted for survival or correction, and the cases mentioned in the traditions are some examples. For instance, since reconciliation among people and joining scattered hearts and washing out the dust of hatred and enmity from hearts is more important than the lie, which does not harm anyone else, it is permitted. The same is true in exigency cases for preserving life and honor of oneself or others, and or in planning and implementation of war plans, a lie, causing expedition in termination of war and preventing blood shedding and or repressing an unjust and corrupter enemy in this way, and also when two spouses argue about some matters, the continuation of which may result in their divorce or other corruption, but it is possible to solve their problem through one lie. In all of these cases, lie would be permitted for preservation of more important expedient affairs. If we pay attention accurately, in these cases, disadvantages and harms of lie which were already mentioned, are much less and do not overweigh its advantage and benefit.

It is also noteworthy that pres c r i p tion of lie in such cases is just like pres c r i p tion of eating carrion, which should be contented as much as the necessity, and not so that exceptions cause daring performance of this capital sin, and saying lie for each little issue with the pretext of lie permits.

In fact, moral mistakes are always around the exceptional cases and notes. These are the same ambiguous matters which are the risk area bounded by the forbidden area:

«مَحارِمُ اللهِ حِمَى اللهِ فَمَنْ یَرْتَعْ حَوْلَ الْحِمى یُوشَکُ اَنْ یَقَعَ فِیها».

The forbidden degrees are divine forbidden areas; one who leads his animal near the forbidden boundaries, there is the risk of slumping in them.(2)

Ghazali at the end of a chapter under the title of leaving lie in Ehyaol Oloum writes: some people believe that fabrication of traditions in the virtues of actions and intensification of vices is permitted.

Then he adds: this is just a false desire and fancy, because its advantages never overweigh corruption of lie. Moreover, there is not any necessity for this, and there are enough correct verses and traditions in each respect. On the other hand, introducing this custom may result in discomposure and perturbation of religion.(3)

But we believe such foolish actions and ideas belong to the base, fool and unaware individuals who assume themselves more compassionate than God and Prophet S.A. for Islam. This is a pure evil and is thoroughly harm and corruption. The danger of this action and such like fool friends is not less than the danger of enemies for Islam.

1- Horre Ameli, Vassaelo Shiite, 134/16
2- Sadough, Faghih, vol. 4, page 75
3- Ghazali, Ehyaol Oloum, 139/3



Way of Treating lie What is equivocation?