The most important motives for slander


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Dangerous weapon of cowards Dangers of slander

There are several motives for slander:

1- Malice and revenge: as there is no easier and simpler way than slander and damaging a person's reputation and character for extinguishing flames of spite and revenge, blazing in the heart of some people.

2- Envy: as the envious person always wishes for end of blessings of the envied one, when he can not achieve his purpose, for compensating it, he tries to damage the envied person's reputation and credit through slander and revealing his weak points, and relieves the fire of his envy in this way.

3- Acquitting oneself from a committed sin: in other words one tries to simplify or justify his action through mentioning the faults of others.

4- Mockery and deride: of course mockery and deriding others has several motives, and after rooting of its factors in man's entity, one of the ways of realization of this goal is slander.

5- Recreation and amusement: there are a lot of people who engage in mentioning weak points and faults of the others only for recreation and amusement or warming circles and meetings, because no other sin is sweeter than slander for people.

It should be also noted that people not only enjoy recreation and amusement, but also enjoy causing others to laugh and making them to recreation.

6- Excitation of curiosity instinct: this instinct which is one of the most powerful man's instincts, invites man to urge the others for slander and revealing weak points of different individuals, and perhaps the sweetness of slander for some people originates from the false satiation of this instinct. Such people enjoy knowing mysteries and faults of others and searching and curiosity about them, and therefore make the others to slander with more eager and enthusiasm.

Of course, taking into account these factors can be an effective help to us for treatment of slander and identifying its senses.

It should be also notified that in most cases, these factors do not show off themselves simply and naturally in man's existence because his conscience and mental personality does not allow. So they change its appearance and slander about people in the form of compassion or forbid of wrong and or giving lesson to others, and suppose that they have done a sacred action, while the main motive is one of the above factors, and man's spirit changes its appearance for deceiving conscience and escaping its stress and torment, and on the contrary, it is proved that such slander is more dangerous than its other types and treating it, is more difficult.



Dangerous weapon of cowards Dangers of slander