Lie, source of all sins


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Miraculous results of truthfulness Lie is not compatible with belief

In several narrations, it is referred to this reality that trust and truth cause purity of action, and lie is the key of all types of sins.

For better understanding of effect of truthfulness and lie on the man's deeds and actions, first we refer to a number of narrations from Prophet's House A.S. in this regard, and then we will analyze it.

Imam Ali A.S. says:

«الصِّدْقُ یَهْدِی اِلَى الْبِرِّ وَ الْبِرُّ یَدْعُو اِلَى الْجَنَّةِ».

Truthfulness guides people to goodness, and goodness invites to paradise.(1)

Imam Sadegh A.S. says:

«اِذا صَدَقَ الْعَبْدُ قالَ اللهُ: صَدَقَ و بَرَّ، وَ اِذا کَذِبَ قالَ اللهُ کَذَبَ وَ فَجَرَ».

When a God's servant says the truth, God says: he said the truth and performed a good deed, and when he lies, He says: he lied and performed an evil deed!(2)

Imam Askari A.S. says:

جُعِلَتِ الْخَبائِثُ کُلُّها فِی بَیْت وَ جُعِلَ مِفْتاحُها اَلْکَذِبُ».

All vices are put in a room and its key is lie.(3)

It is easily inferred from this tradition that lie is the key of all vices and evils.

Now we study the effects of truthfulness and lie in man's deeds:

1- Lie is the source of hypocrisy, because truthfulness refers to harmony of tongue and heart, and lie is inharmony of these two, and hereof difference between man's interior and outward is started, and the liar gradually proceeds to full hypocrisy.

Holy Quran refers to this fact and says:

فَاَعْقَبَهُمْ نِفاقاً فِی قُلُوبِهِمْ اِلى یَوْمِ یَلْقَوْنَهُ بِما اَخْلَفُوا اللهَ ما وَعَدُوهُ وَ بِما کانُوا یَکْذِبُونَ).

So, as a result, He puts hypocrisy into their hearts, until the day they meet Him, for that they failed God in that they promised Him and they were liars.(4)

2- Lie is the tool of most sins. Dishonest and guileful, robber and treacherous, short weighing and hoarder, tricky and perjurer individuals can not continue anymore and reach to a stalemate if they do not lie.

3- An envious person for envying, a proud person for ostentation and frippery, a subservient and flatterer person for achieving his goals, greedy and secularist individuals for attaining their objectives, usually resort to die. They debase the envied person in public view falsely, and glorify themselves falsely. They say thousands of flatteries falsely, and resort to lie for satiation of their greedy souls.

4- One who is bound to truthfulness, has no alternative save restraining himself from most of the sins, because he thinks that if he is asked about that issue, he shall say the truth, and if he says the truth, it will be disgraceful. So, he prefers to forget those deeds on the whole. Thus, being bounded to this attribute insures man against numerous sins.

5- Most of lies cause other lies or sins, because it is widely seen that liars say other lies for justifying their untrue subjects, and or perform other evil deeds for preventing disclosure of their lies.

It is clarified from what was mentioned above (considering the explanations mentioned in each part), that if a man is verily bounded to truthfulness and honesty, he has to leave most of sins because each of them somehow originates from lie. Rather, lie is the key of achieving them and a truthful man should recede from sin willingly or not.

1- Tabarsi, Meshkatol Anvar, 300, Heydarieh Publications, Najaf
2- The same document, page 299
3- Majlessi, Beharol Anvar, 263/72
4- Repentance sura (9), verse 77




Miraculous results of truthfulness Lie is not compatible with belief