4. The scarcity of clay need on earth


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ExplanationHow can the physical and spiritual resurrection be simultaneous?

Another issue that has puzzled many people’s mind is that in case the resurrection is physical and all at the same time then there will be no scope for such a huge number on earth.

Even if all the pro9blems about physical resurrection are solved it will be impossible for all humans to return because the earth is not enough for the present population and the specialists of population control have been warning that if the growth remains constant at the present rate then the earth will not be enough for the future generations. Imagine what would happen if the present and future generations are all gathered at the same time on earth!

But if the resurrection is spiritual then there will be no problem because there is no such issue in the spiritual world.


The people who raise such objections are unaware of the fact that according to the Qura’n’s verses the resurrection will not take place on earth under the present conditions but this world will be changed.

Verse 48 of Sarah Ibrahim says:

“On the day the earth will be changed to another earth, and so will be the heavens and they will appear before God the One and Irresistible.”

Verse 21 of Surah Hadid says:

“Race one with another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord and towards Paradise, the width of which is more than the width of the heavens and the earth.”

We learn from this and similar verses that either a very great scope will be created to make it equal to the heavens and earth and accommodate Hell and Paradise and all their people or the people will be transferred to some other planet. But in both case the problem of the paucity of space remains no more and the issue of accommodation (Which has captivated the attention of the objectors) of all those in Paradise and all those in Hell is solved.

How will life exist for this destructible body?

Another question that is raised about the physical resurrection is that the hereafter is eternal and the verses about it are proof but the body is destructible for it rots and decays into oblivion.

Now if resurrection is physical then there will be a contradiction for the destructible will merge into the eternal and the destructible body whose nature is to decay will remain forever.

Allama Hilli has explained this issue in his commentary on Tajrid-ol-Aqaid as, “The physical strength is limited and decadent while we believe the gifts of the people of Heaven to be unlimited and ever lasting. (1)

The Answer:

The answer to this question is not complicated because there is no objection about the body being finite in nature and that it will decay and rot but the objection may be raised if it gets no outside help for if god’s help is there then it will keep the body fresh and new forever.

This is like a tree which rejuvenates itself after obtaining its daily sustenance and can remain evergreen. This is not impossible.

In other words the needs of a being are one thing and the need of outside effects is something else. Out discussion is on whether the cells of the human body that have a fixed age can rejuvenate themselves through outside help from God’s creation and can extend their existence and thus can obtain eternity.

There is the Qura’n about the apostle Noah’s long life which was a thousand years and according to some a minimum of 500 years in which his life before being ordained an apostle is not included. This means that God absolved his body from death like the way other bodies die after some time in a hundred years or less and this because God’s help is not there for the rejuvenation of their lives.

In short, surely He is the authority and the creator of men who were nothing worth discussing earlier and He has the control to renew life in the dead. So can He not be the bestower of eternal life in the hereafter?

After describing this objection Allama Hilli very disdainfully says:

“This is not an argument or proof but it is a shot in the dark for there is no logical base for it and is nothing but a whim. (2)



1. Sharrah Tajreed page 326
2. Sharrah Tajreed page 322


ExplanationHow can the physical and spiritual resurrection be simultaneous?