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Some clarificationsExplanation of Verses

Most of the religious philosophers stress upon the eternal soul when they discuss resurrection or the Day of Judgment and consider it to be a shining proof.

Undoubtedly, the belief in the eternal soul covers half the journey to the life after death and the Day of Judgment but if some one does not belief in the eternal soul then even it is not impossible to prove the event of Qiyamah to him. The issue of resurrection can be merged with the issue of eternal soul to prove it.

This may be the reason that Qura’n has taken very little support of the eternal soul in the verses about Qiyamah. In other words Qura’n has not established any link between the issues of the eternal soul and the resurrection as you will soon see. But despite this it cannot be said that Qiyamah can be proven in the light of the eternal soul very clearly.

We cannot deny the fact that in the Holy Qura’n there are various hints about the eternal soul so this issue needs to be studied. Since the discussion about soul is so vast that many books need to be written about it and so we too will not delve deeply into the matter.

With this brief introduction we take the readers to the verses mentioned below and invite them to reflect upon them in their minds and hearts.

Verse 169 of Surah Al Imran:

“ Do not think of those who are killed in the way of God as dead. No they are alive with their Lord and have provision.”

Verse 154 of Surah Baqarah:

“ And do not say about those who are killed in the way of God, “ They are dead”. No, they are living but you perceive not.”

Verse 46 of Surah Mumin:

“ They are exposed to the fire every morn and eve, and on the Day when the Hour of reckoning is established. “ Give the people of the Pharaoh the severest punishment.”

Verse 11 of Surah Sajdah:

“ Say, “ the angel of death put in charge of you shall take away your life, and then to your Lord you shall be brought back.”

Verse 42 of Surah Zumur:

“ God takes the souls away at death. (He takes) those that do not die during their sleep; God withholds ( the life of) those on whom He has passed the decree of death; but He sends the others ( to their bodies) till a fixed time. Verily in this are signs for the people who reflect.”

Verse 169 of Surah Al Imran:

“Do not think of those who are killed in the way of God as dead. No they are alive with their Lord and have provision.”

Verse 154 of Surah Baqarah:

“And do not say about those who are killed in the way of God, “They are dead”. No, they are living but you perceive not.”

Verse 46 of Surah Mumin:

 “They are exposed to the fire every morn and eve, and on the Day when the Hour of reckoning is established “Give the people of the Pharaoh the severest punishment.”

Verse 11 of Surah Sajdah:

“Say, “The angel of death put in charge of you shall take away your life, and then to your Lord you shall be brought back.”

Verse 42 of Surah Zumur:

“God takes the souls away at death. (He takes) those that do not die during their sleep; God withholds (the life of) those on whom He has passed the decree of death; but He sends the others (to their bodies) till a fixed time. Verily in this are signs for the people who reflect.” (1)


Some clarificationsExplanation of Verses