Some clarifications


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Life is meaningless without the Day of JudgmentIntroduction

Which intelligent person will consider this worldly life to be the purpose of creation?

The universe that we live is indeed very big very deep and composed and this earth is a unit of the solar system. The sun too is a small part of a great galaxy and our galaxy is one of the many galaxies in the universe.

Professor Karl Galzin in his book “the Journey to the distant worlds” writes:

The bevy of star is called galaxy, these heavenly island move in their own orbit and are so distant from each other that we cannot imagine. Each galaxy consists of billions of stars and the distance between the stars are at times so great that you need some hundred thousand light years to journey between two of them. (1)

The greatness of the galaxies can be better understood if we add that according to the modern astronomers our galaxy only has more than a trillion stars and according to the latest declaration there are more than a hundred million galaxies.

This universe can be studied minutely just as you can compare a small hamlet with a large industrial city. In this period it is man whom we recognize as the perfect creation for his soul and body, special formation etc.

If it is determined that the life of this flower of the universe is limited to the few days in this world; at times subject to the weakness of childhood then overwhelmed by the whirlwind of youth sometimes healthy and sometimes sick, with most of the time being spent in maintaining his sustenance finally overtaken by death then how unbecoming and unwise is this life. We say that God is wise and all His deeds are full of wisdom. Is there anything else but wisdom or that all His work is done after due consideration and with a purpose despite the fact that He is the personification of all perfection and needless of anything, then is it possible that the purpose is for His own benefit but if it is for the benefit of the subjects then this temporal life of a few days cannot be the purpose of His creativity.

Is it not like a mechanic who is able to produce a beautiful car or a machine after years of toil and he destroys the product the moment it begins working. Do you feel this will be wise?

Is it not like a child that is given under the protection of a foster womb and nurtured but is killed the moment he is ready to enter this world?

This is why those who do not believe in God and the Day of Judgment consider this material life to be meaningless and purposeless. The truth if you ask is that without the life of the hereafter these worldly lives surely is meaningless and without purpose and they are correct in this contention.

No person who believes in God can deny that death does not terminate his soul’s life but this world is like a mother’s womb and man is like an infant being nurtured in it and this womb prepares him for the life in the next world. Undoubtedly the life in the womb is not the ultimate purpose but a long life is his fate.



1. The Journey to the distant worlds


Life is meaningless without the Day of JudgmentIntroduction