
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 25-30Verses 31-32

      In the above passage ten of God's great attributes are named, and all the Attributes of God are great: These are:-

      1ِFree of want. 2ِPraise-worthy. 3ِExalted in might. 4ِAll-wise. 5ِAll-hearing. 6ِAll-seeing. 7ِAll-aware 8ِTruth. 9ِHigh. 10ِGreat.

      The above verses imply Allah's creative power, and His ownership; and conclude that He who is attributed with such qualifications, is the truth, and the only reality of existence, and all other than him are but shadows and false. Therefore, no shadow can be compared with its base and origin, and nothing throughout the

Universe can be put in equality with Allah, who is the only reality and Truth. There is no god except Allah:-

      ``And if you ask them:- ``Who created the heavens and earth? They will say Allah. Say Praise belongs to Allah, but most of them do not know.''

      Next, the immediate reference is to the infinity and boundlessness, of God's power, words, creatures, and all attributes:-

      ``If it was so that all the trees that are on the earth were pens, and the sea was ink aided by seven other seas....''


      In this verse pens were not to be aided because usually they are not wasted and consumed, like the ink.

      Then an amazing power of God has explained that it cannot be measured or justified with our units and criterions in our world of relativity:-

      ``Your creation and your resurrection is not except like that of a single person, that Allah is All-hearing, All-seeing.''

      One will wonder to hear that how n-millions of individuals can be created, revived, judged, and dealt as one single person!?

      Our amazement is because words such as hard, easy, small, large, are only relative, and their relative meanings can apply to our limited physical world; but in the world and dominion of God, that everything is infinite and limitless, such words and terms will have no reality, and are only names. In the infinitude of God's realm of power and creation, a microb and an elephant can be created with the same means and power! When Allah intends to create something or some one, He will say, ``BE'' and it will be. Here word is also not necessary, and God's intention is enough for that!

      We may add here that, by using his mind, Man has no other option but to acknowledge that the creation has a Wise, All-knowing, All-power Creator. But when he wants to make sure that the creator after His creation, continues to cherish and to maintain His creatures, he falls short; because he uses his own units and criterions, for measuring the phenomena of nature. He then will run after his own imaginations, so that creations of his mind replaces his real God!

      How can we in spite of our limited little units, understand what does an infinite measure mean, and how can the creation of millions of us be like the creation of only one of us?

      Even when we form a conception of God's infinitude, by His dealings with individual in His creation, it is still inadequate. This is because God is higher and greater than whatever we may imagine and think of. Allah is Greater.



Verses 25-30Verses 31-32