
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 56-60Verses 61-66

      The immediate reference of the above verses might be to those believers who were in trouble and under the cruel pressure of the wild idolaters in Mecca. The Pagans wanted to force them to recant and return to idolatry:-

      ``O, My servants who have believed! My earth is vast and extensive. Then worship me alone.''


      In its general sense of meaning, this is a natural law, and common to all the creatures. It is not an acceptable excuse to say; ``I was in a place or in a position that I could not worship my Lord, or I was forced to eat or drink something unlawful, or else, I was compelled by my colleagues and citizen to do so and so which was wrong.''

      We ought to know that the land of God is wide, and it is God Who sustains His creature, and there are many a moving creature that bear not her sustenance, Allah sustains her and us. Emigration to a more suitable place is the best of remedies in such cases. Even the birds when find their abode or position not fit enough for life they emigrate to elsewhere which is more suitable. We have to shun evil and seek goodness even if we have to pay a high price for it, like leaving our family or home and hearth, because our uprightness is more important and of a higher value, in the sight of God.

      In other word the object of Man's creation is to know and to worship Allah alone. This binding and obligation of worship might seem to be a kind of servitude in our first look, but in fact, this sacred servitude will guarantee the Freedom of Man from all sorts of slavery and bondages, and will open all the chains and fetters that restrain man from all motions in his development and progress.

      Therefore, when in a place this worship is hard to perform or it is not possible to be done, then emigration is the best remedy, and man should not sell his soul to Devil, and ruin himself for the sake of home, race, class, family, and etc. Here the only right decision is to prefer Allah over everything else, that Allah will suffice for all.

      Some didn't, like emigration for fear of death to seize them abroad. These people will have to know that every soul will at last, or perhaps at first, taste death, here or there, now or then.

      On the other hand it is wrong to think that death gives an end to man's life. Death itself can be considered as some sort of an emigration.


      In its real sense of meaning, death is nothing more than going from one home to another, or to emigrate to our Lord by leaving behind our body and flying through the soul.

      Of course every kind of emigration involves some hardship, troubles, loss, and will require patience and resistance, and putting trusts on God; who will eventually give a goodly reward to the emigrant believers.



Verses 56-60Verses 61-66