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Declaring the intention for the missed prayers that have remained from the beginning of one’s maturity [Miscellaneous Issues regarding Qaḍā of Daily Prayers ]

QuestionI don’t know exactly when I became mature. When and with what intention should I perform my qaḍā prayers that remained from the beginning of my maturity?
Answer: Perform the number of prayers that you are certain you have missed with the intention of obligatory qaḍā and if you want to perform more than that, perform them with the intention of precautionary qaḍā.

Reciting the qunūt (Supplication in Salāt) in Persian [Qunut]

Question1- Is it permissible to recite the qunūt of obligatory prayers in Persian or any other languages? 2- What about other prayers like night prayer? 3- Is it permissible to pray whatever we want in qunūt and say whatever we want to ask Allah in qunūt?
Answer: 1- It is not permitted. 2- It is like the previous issue. 3- Yes, you can ask all religious lawful matters from Allah.

Intention of sajdah al-sahw (Compensatory prostration) [ The Method of Offering Sajdah al-Sahw]

QuestionShould we raise our hands to our ears during the intention of sajdah al-sahw? And is it necessary to declare the intention verbally?
Answer: None of them is necessary and the verbal declaration of the intention is not permissible as an obligatory precaution.

Ruling of forgotten qunūt (Supplication in Salāt) in prayer [Qunut]

QuestionIf a person forgets qunūt and remembers the matter after rukū‘ of the same rak‘at ,then what is the ruling of that?
Answer: This person can perform qunūt after rukū‘ and then go for sajdah without rukū‘ and continue the prayer.

Qiblah in Non-Muslim Countries [Ways of Locating Qibla]

QuestionIn which direction should Muslims of Los Angeles who live in west of America perform their prayers in order to be correctly aligned towards the qiblah? Albeit, famous qiblah-finders like “Razm Ara” and others show the direction of the qibla for New York which is situated on the east coast of America. The qibla for Los Angeles which is a six–hour-flight f r o m New York cannot be found using these devices. This is why people don’t know exactly what their duty is, and they perform their prayers toward just any direction according to the verse “اَیْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللَّهِ”1 (so whithersoever you turn, there is the face of Allah) What is the duty of these people?
Answer: Stand in the direction which is well-known among the Muslims as the direction of the qiblah and that would be enough.

A Person who Doesn’t Perform Prayer in the Direction of Qiblah [ Qiblah]

QuestionIf a person stands in a direction other than the direction of the qiblah and we know the correct direction is it our duty to tell him/her? Is the act of enjoining the good and prohibiting the evil necessary here?
Answer: It is not necessary but it is better to correct their mistake.

Start and end of the distance of Qasr prayer [The Journey with More than Eight Farsakhs (leagues) ]

QuestionHow should the start and end of the distance be calculated for the distance where prayer becomes shortened?
Answer: The distance between the last house of the departure city and the first house of the destination city should be considered as the distance for prayer to be shortened.

The meaning of the “first travel” of a person who travels a lot [Frequent Travellers (kathīr al-safar)]

QuestionI always travel and according to the rulings of Imam Khomeini I should perform prayers complete except the first travel, but I work on a ship and I don’t know where my first travel begins, which brings about the following questions 1- Does the travel from home to seaport before joining the ship is considered as the first travel (because this travel is the prerequisite of the main travel)? 2- Or the travel begins from joining the ship and continues until reaching the destination (there is the possibility of staying some other days in seaport before departure)? 3- Is the beginning of the travel marked by moving from the source port until reaching the destination?
Answer: Your going out of your house to the work place and then going to sail from there until reaching the destination are all consider as one travel.

Closing the Eyes during Prayer [ Makruh Acts of Prayer ]

QuestionIs closing the eyes during prayer impermissible? Is it permissible if we can pay more attention to Allah by doing this act?
Answer: This act is makrūh (abominable) unless this is the only way of having presence of the heart (full concentration).

The Ruling regarding the prayer and fasting of a person who lives in one place and works in another place [Rules regarding Places where Have the Same Rulings as Hometown ]

QuestionI have to travel to another city four days every week because of my occupation so I am in my own city three days a week and in another city four days a week. How should I perform my prayers and fasting?
Answer: Your prayers and fasting should be performed complete in both places.

Paternal homeland (Waṭan) [Rules regarding Hometown]

QuestionIs one’s paternal homeland considered as one’s own homeland (Waṭan)?
Answer: The Paternal homeland of a person is not considered as the homeland of that person unless he/she stays there continuously for a long time like one year.

Dependence of wife on her husband in leaving her homeland [Changing Hometown ]

QuestionWhen a wife has no choice but to leave her homeland because her husband is leaving that place, is she considered to have abandoned her homeland or does the matter depend on her intention?
Answer: It depends on the intention of the wife, if she hopes to convince her husband to return then it is not considered as abandoning the homeland and if there is no hope, then it is considered to be an inevitable abandonment.

Purpose of the intention of ten days [Having the Intention of Staying for Ten Days ]

QuestionMy question is that what is the ruling as to when one wants to travel somewhere and stays there for 11 or 14 days or more? Please answer that when 10 days is counted from? For example if I stay from 3rd day until the 13th day of a month then how does it count?
Answer: If a person wants to stay 10 days or more in a place, in this case prayers should be performed complete and the person must fast. And if this person wants to stay less than 10 days then prayers should be performed shortened and the person cannot fast. The beginning of 10 days is from the moment of entering the destination, for example from noon of the first day of arrival until noon of the next day is considered as one day.

Reserving a place for another person in the row of a congregation [Miscellaneous Issues regarding Conditions of Congregational Prayer ]

QuestionIs it permissible to reserve a place for another person in the row of a congregation? (It means that we place a turbah for another person and don’t let other people to sit there) Or is the criterion piety or earlier arrival?
Answer: There is no issue with doing this, but if that person doesn’t join the congregation before rukū‘ of the first rak‘at then his/her right is voided.

The ruling regarding a traveler who performs his prayers completely where he should have performed shortened prayers [Miscellaneous Issues regarding Prayer of a Traveler ]

QuestionWhat is the ruling regarding the prayer of a traveler who makes the intention of staying less than 10 days so he should perform prayers shortened but he forgets the matter?
Answer: He should perform the qaḍā of prayers (i.e. perform them again later as compensation) that he has performed completely.

Feeling of pretension in congregational prayer [The Importance of Congregational Prayer ]

QuestionI feel I am closer to Allah swt in congregational prayer and this matter causes the lengthening of my invocations but I fear that this might end up in pretension what is my duty?
Answer: Such fears and doubts are the insinuations of Satan. Don’t pay attention to that and attend the congregational prayer continuously.

Reciting al-fātiḥa and sūrah in a low voice for ma’mūm (the followers in a congregational prayers) [Reciting Loudly or in Whispering Manner ]

QuestionThe prayer-leader of a congregational prayer is reciting the Four Tasbihāt in prayers in which al-fātiḥa and sūrah should be recited loudly and the ma’mūm is performing his second rak‘at and wants to recite al-fātiḥa and sūrah should he/she recite them loudly or in a low voice?
Answer: He/She should recite them in a low voice.

Does merely appearing to be a just person Suffice for a person to be qualified as the prayer-leader of a congregational prayer [Justice]

QuestionI am an M.A student and when we don’t have a prayer-leader for our congregational prayers in university, my friends insist that I act as the prayer leader of the congregation but I don’t consider myself Just because of my sins (even cardinal sins). What is my duty?
Answer: If other people consider you just then there is no problem for you to be Imam of congregation.

Reciting tashahhud during tajāfi (sitting-up partially) [Miscellaneous Issues regarding Conditions of Congregational Prayer ]

QuestionShould we recite tashahhud during tajāfi (raising knees from the ground and place one’s body in a half-raised position) or should we stay quiet?
Answer: It is better to recite tashahhud or other dhikrs while in tajāfi posture.

Ruling of signs prayer in countries where earthquake occur a lot [Rulings of Ayaat Prayer]

QuestionIt is about one month since I’ve come to Japan for pleasure and I’ve stayed in Tokyo. Here in Japan around 4-5 earthquakes happen on a daily basis and because of high-tech construction methods used in constructing the buildings here most earthquakes are felt as small quakes here. Considering the fact that earthquake is a normal daily matter in this country, please guide me about performing the sign prayer and the number of times I need to perform it every day. Is it necessary for me to perform one sign prayer for each earthquake?
Answer: You should perform the sign prayer for each earthquake that is felt, but if it repeats during the prayer then that prayer will suffice. If repeating the Sign prayer causes considerable hardship for you, then you can perform it as much as is convenient for you.

Attending the Friday Prayer of the Sunnis [Miscellaneous Issues regarding Friday Prayer]

QuestionWhat is the ruling for a Shia attending the Friday Prayer in Sunni countries (e.g. Malaysia) under the current conditions of the world and what your advice is to a Shia about the importance of this divine obligatory act and the need of the Muslim world for unity and its need for showing the power of unity?
Answer: Attending their Friday Prayer with the intention of creating a great unity among Muslims is good and suffices in lieu of noon prayer on Friday. Furthermore, under such conditions, there is no issue with prostrating on carpet.

Time of morning nāfilah (supererogatory prayer) [The Timings of Daily Nawāfil]

QuestionWhen is the beginning and the end of the time for performing morning nāfilah?
Answer: The time of the morning nāfilah starts before the Fajr prayer , f r o m the Fajr adhan until the appearance of redness in the east, and it is possible to perform that immediately after the night prayer.

The ruling regarding being someone else’s proxy for performing their prayers while the proxy himself has qaḍā prayers [Conditions under which One Can Be Hired]

QuestionWhat is the ruling for the prayers and fasting of a proxy who has qaḍā prayers and fasts himself/herself. Can he be hired for performing another person’s missed prayers and fasts?
Answer: It is permissible.

Prayer of a traveler in Mecca and Medina [Places in which Both Complete and Qaṣr Prayer Are Allowed ]

QuestionDoes a traveler have the right to choose between full and shortened prayer in the old and new sections of Mecca and Medina like al-Masjid al-Nabawi and al-Masjid al-Harām or he/she should perform shortened prayers?
Answer: Travelers have the right to perform their prayers in al-Masjid al-Harām and al-Masjid al-Nabawi and also all of Mecca and Medina complete or shortened and complete prayer is better and there is no difference between old and new parts of Mecca and Medina.

Hiring two persons for performing the qaḍā prayers of a dead person [Rules regarding Hiring for Offering Prayer]

QuestionIf two persons are hired for performing the qaḍā prayers of a dead person, then can they begin simultaneously or one should wait until the other finishes his share of the prayers?
Answer: They can perform the prayers simultaneously.

Qaḍā of worships of an ill person who has died

QuestionMy father had a stroke 5 years ago and now he has passed away. He performed his prayers during these years incorrectly or he didn’t perform them at all because of his illness, also he didn’t fast in these years. Now, what is our duty? Should we perform the qaḍā of the prayers and fasts that he missed or not? PS: the compensation (fidyah) for the fasts that he missed has been paid.
Answer: If the same illness led to his death and he was not able to perform the qaḍā of his prayers and fasts then there is no need to perform their qaḍā. However, if he regained his health and was able to perform them but he did not, it is obligatory on his elder son to make up for them. But those that he had performed incorrectly although it is not obligatory for his elder son but he had better perform their qaḍā.

Persons who Cannot Perform their Prayers in the Direction of the Qiblah [ Qiblah]

QuestionWhat is the ruling concerning those injured or handicap persons who cannot perform their prayers in the direction of the qiblah under any circumstances?
Answer: In that case, they can perform their prayers in any direction.

Performing Prayers with Black Clothing [ Makruh Acts of Prayer ]

QuestionWearing black clothing for prayer is makrūh does it also apply to black Chadors worn by women and black cloaks worn by clerics?
Answer: It is well-known that wearing black clothing for prayer is makrūh and the reason behind it applies to both men and women but cloak is an exception and it is likely that black Chador is also an exception.
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