Existence of Exceptional People


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1) The Secret of LongevityWho Made this Criticism?

If we ignore the previous discussion and accept that humankind has constant limit of lifetime according to his primary nature; but, it is not possible to generalize this matter to everyone, because always there are exceptions among living creature which are not compatible with standards and criterions which we saw in natural and experimental sciences; and sometimes, science is incapable of interpreting their conditions.

Some people have been seen among humans who had extraordinary and completely exceptional senses or powers.

Some members can be seen among a specific genus of trees or animals, which apparently have specific growth or seemingly limited lifetime, that breaks all regulations and standards of their genus and appear in an extraordinary form; for instance:

1) Travelers, who have visited Scotland, talk about an amazing tree with 90 feet diameter in trunk and estimated five-thousand years of age!

2) A tree has been seen in California which is one-hundred meters tall! And its lower diameter is about 10 meter and its age is estimated up to sic hundred years.

3) There is a tree from the genus dracaena or as it is called “dragon tree” among the trees which grow in Canary Islands, that has interested scientists; it is said about this tree that no change has been seen in its grow from the time of discovering the island (which is about five-hundred years ago)! But its seems to have a long life that through this time effects of time have not appears on its feature; therefore, some people think that perhaps, this tree was available before the creation of Adam!

4) There are trees in tropical regions which live forever! It means that they are continuously growing roots and shoots and never die.

5) Some snails have been seen which are thousands years old; and biologists have discovered some fished which are about three million years old.

6) We can see some people with wonderful talents who are not believable even for those who see them with their own eyes. Who didn’t read the news about the young person who bent metal objects like fork and spoon with the extraordinary power of his eyes without even a small touch of his hands!

He performed this wonderful job before the eyes of reporters and even on TV in England, that even incredulous British people accepted that there was no special trick and it is considered a special and exceptional condition.

Maybe, all people have read about the young Iranian who eats light bulb and glass like candies, while ordinary people may be taken to operation room if they accidentally eat a bit of glass with their food!

I read the story of a person in newspaper who subdued wild animals with his extraordinary power and approach them easily.

It is written about the conditions of philosopher and famous physician “Avicenna” that:

When I went to school, I memorized anything which students read for the master; in the age of ten, I have knowledge of sciences that people were amazed of me in Bukhara; in the age of 12 I became a jurist! And issued fatwas in Bukhara; I wrote the book The Canon of Medicine in medicine at the age of 16 (the same book which was being taught in European universities for some centuries); amazing stories have been quoted about his different senses including sight or hearing and like them which cannot be told in this brief chapter.1

These are all exceptional people with characteristics that scientists of natural science are incapable of explaining them and their conditions are not compatible with criterions and standards of human characteristics which are available; but this inharmony never prevent us to accept them; and accept a general law under its light that what we have seen in “plants”, “creatures of deserts and seas” and “humans” is not an eternal and comprehensive law; but it is completely possible that some members are found among them with special and extraordinary characteristics, whether about the age or about spiritual and physical powers and abilities; and their exceptional condition will never be the reason for acceptance of these phenomena to be unscientific; but we should accept that the boundaries of all the laws and criterions which sciences give us are restricted to ordinary members and exceptional members are beyond the boundaries of these criterions and laws.



1) Refer to the book “Hadyat al-Ahbab” and other history books.
1) The Secret of LongevityWho Made this Criticism?