1) Diffusion of Tyranny and Corruption


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Signs of the Advent2) Dajjal (the great deceiver)

The first sign with which it is possible to predict the coming of any revolution - including this great revolution - is Sweepingness of tyranny, oppression, corruption and violation of others’ rights and different kinds of social corruptions and moral aberrance which is itself the factor of expansion of corruption in society.

Naturally, when pressure exceeds the limit, explosion happens, because social explosions are the results of severe and overmuch pressure like mechanical explosions.

Expansion of oppression and injustice by the “Zahhaks” of the time waters the seeds of revolution, and train the people like Kave the Blacksmith beside their furnaces; gradually, the crisis grows and the time of revolution comes.

The matter is the same for the coming of the great universal revolution and the advent of the great peacemaker, Mahdi.

But, as it has been said before, there is no need to expand the oppression and corruption more like pessimistic people, but by considering the existence of enough corruptions in a large scale, we should try to construct ourselves and others and a content and brave and knowledgeable group to be the flag holders of the revolution.

Anyway, this matter has been mentioned in many Islamic narratives “کما ملئت ظلماً و جوراً” (as the world is filled with oppression and injustice).

The exact expression can be found in many ahadith which have been mentioned in Shiite and Sunni resources.

And it is understood from them entirely, that one of the clearest signs of this revolution is this matter.

Here, one question is asked that do “oppression” (ظلم) and “injustice” (جور) have any difference that these two words have been emphasized repeatedly?

It is understood from the root of these words that violating the right of others has two types, that there is one separated word for each of them in Arabic literature.

The first one is that a person takes other’s right for himself/herself and usurps the results of others’ efforts, it is called “Oppression”

The other one is to take others’ rights and to give it to another people and to dominate the person’s adherents over the lives and honors and assets of people for strengthening the bases of the power, and to take power by unjust discriminations, it is called “injustice”.

The antonym of “oppression” is “fair distribution” (قسط) and the antonym of “injustice” is “justice” (عدل).1

Anyway, when “violation” of others’ rights, from one side, and “discriminations”, from the other side, fill the human society, he appears and removes all of them.

What have been said above were generalities about the Sweepingness of corruption as a factor of mutation and revolution which is predictable in any kinds of revolution.

But it is considerable that:

Details of these signs and corruption have been mentioned in Islamic cabbalas in the way that maybe they are not from 13 or 14 centuries ago, but they belong to present century and maybe some years ago; and today, which we see many of them with our own eyes, we believe that they are indeed miraculous!

For instance, tens of these corruption, which a part of them have social and political aspect and another part has moral aspect, have been mentioned in a narratives from Imam Sadiq (pbuh) that studying them makes the human to think deeply about the issue.

In the following, we mention the summarized version of a part of the foresaid narrative, and then its translation for those who are not completely familiar with Arabic literature:

قال الصّادق(علیه السلام) لبعض اصحابه:

1. اذا رایـت الجور قد شمل البلاد 2. اذا رایـت القرآن قدخلق و احدث ما لیس فیه و وجه على الاهواء 3. اذا رایـت الذین قد انکفى کما ینکفى الاناء 4. اذا رایـت اهل الباطل قد استعلوا على الحق 5. اذا رایـت الرجال قد اکتفى بالرجال والنساء بالنساء! 6. اذا رایـت المؤمن صامتاً! 7. اذا رایـت الصغیر یستحقر بالکبیر 8. اذا رایـت الاحارم قد تقطعت 9. اذا رایـت الثناء قد کثر 10. اذا رایـت الخمور تشرب علانیة 11. اذا رایـت سبیل الخیر منقطعا و سبیل الشرمسلوک 12. اذا رایـت الحلال یحرم و الحرام یحلل 13. اذا رایـت الدین بالرأى 14. اذا رایـت المؤمن لایستطیع ان ینکر الا بقلبه 15. و رأیـت العظیم من المال ینفق فى سخط اللّه 16. و رأیـت الولات یرتشون فى الحکم! 17. و رأیـت الولایة قبالة لمن زاد! 18. و رأیـت الرجل یاکل من کسب امرأته من الفجور! 19. و رأیـت القمار قد ظهر 20. و رأیـت الملاهى قد ظهرت یمربها لایمنع احد احداً، ولایجترء احد على منعها. 21. و رأیـت القران قد ثقل على الناس استماعه و خف على الناس استماع الباطل. 22. و رأیـت الجاریکرم الجار خوفاً من لسانه! 23. و رأیـت المساجد قد زخرفت! 24. و رأیـت طلب الحج لغیر اللّه 25. و رأیـت قلوب الناس قد قست! 26. و رأیـت الناس مع من غلب! 27. و رأیـت طالب الحلال یذم وطالب الحرام یمدح! 28. و رأیـت المعازف ظاهرة فى الحرمین 29. و رأیـت الرجل یأمر بالمعروف و ینهى عن المنکر، فیقوم الیه من ینصحه فیقول هذا عنک موضوع! 30. و رأیـت المساجد محتشیة ممن لایخاف اللّه! 31. و رأیـت الناس همهم فى بطونهم و فروجهم! 32. و رأیـت الدنیا مقبلة الیهم 33. و رأیـت النساء یبذلن انفسهن لاهل الکفر 34. و رأیـت اعلام الحق قد درست 35. و رأیـت الحرب قد ادیل من العمران! 36. و رأیـت الرجل معیشة من بخس المکیال و المیزان 37. و رأیـت الرجل عنده المال الکثیر لم یزکه منذ ملکه 38. و رأیـت الرجل یمسى نشوان و یصبح سکران 39. و رأیـت الناس ینظر بعضهم الى بعض، و یقتدون باهل الشرور! 40. و رأیـت کل عام یحدث فیه من الشرو البدعة اکثر مما کان! 41. و رأیـت الخلق والمجالس لایتابعون الا الاغنیاء 42. و رأیـت یتسافدون کما تتسافد البهائم! 43. و رأیـت الرجل ینفق الکثیر فى غیر طاعة اللّه و یمنع الیسیر فى طاعة اللّه. 44. و رأیـت الرجل اذا مر به یوم لم یکسب فیـه الذنـب العظیم... حزیناً! 45. و رأیـت النساء قد غلبن على الملک و غلبن على کل امر 46. و رأیـت ریاح المنافقین دائمة و ریاح اهل الحق لاتحرک 47. و رأیـت القضاة یقضون بخلاف ما امراللّه 48. و رأیـت المنابر یؤمر علیها بالتقوى، ولا یعمل القائل بما یأمر! 49. و رأیـت الصلوة قد استخف باوقاته 50. و رأیـت الصدقة بالشفاعة لایراد بها وجه اللّه... فکن على حذر و اطلب الى اللّه النجاة1


Imam Sadiq (pbuh) said to one of his companions:

1) When you see that oppression and injustice have become comprehensive; 2) When you see that Qur’an has been put away and heresies have entered in its meaning according to personal desires;

3) When you see that religion of God has (practically) no content like an overturned bowl;

4) When you see that untruthful ones have overpowered the truthful ones;

5) When you see that Men suffice to men and women sufficed to women;

6) When you see that believer people have kept silence;

7) When you see that younger ones don’t respect the elders;

8) When you see that family members don’t associate with each other;

9) When you see that adulation and eulogy have become common;

10) Wine is being drunk explicitly;

11) Good ways have become blocked and evil ways have become popular;

12) When you see that halaal is prohibited and haraam is permitted;

13) When you see that religious laws and order are being interpreted according to personal desires;

14) When you see that the freedom of believer people has been taken in the way that they can express their hatred only in the heart;

15) When you see that great assets are being spent in the way of anger of God (and corruption and vulgarity and destruction);

16) When you see that bribery is common among government staff;

17) When you see that important positions have been auctioned;

18) When you see that (some) men make money from prostitution of their women;

19) When you see that gambling has appeared (even under the protection of the law);

20) When you see that unhealthy entertainments have become common in the way that nobody dares to prevent them;

21) When you see that people don’t like to hear the truths of Qur’an but they have no problem hearing the untruths;

22) When you see that neighbor respect the neighbor in fear of his/her tongue;

23) When you see that mosques are being ornamented;

24) When you see that people hurry to hajj for other than God;

25) When you see that people become hard-hearted (and affections die);

26) When you see that people follow the one who has the victory (whether truthfully or untruthfully);

27) When you see that those who demand halaal are being criticized and those who demand haraam are being admired;

28) When you see that time wasting tools appear (even) in Mecca and Medina;

29) When you see that if a person orders to Ma’roof and prohibited from Munkar then he/she is advised that it is not your duty;

30) When you see that mosques are filled with those who have no fear of God;

31) When you see that people’s efforts are only for their food and pleasure;

32) When you see that material facilities have become common and the world approaches people;

33) When you see that women defer to unbeliever men;

34) When you see that flags of truth are tattered;

35) When you see that destruction (by wars) dominates construction;

36) When you see that some people makes money only by stealing from goods which are selling;

37) When you see that there are people with large capitals who didn’t have paid Zakat even once in their lifetime;

38) When you see that people are in trance in the evenings and drunk in the mornings;

39) When you see that all people look at each other and follow the evil ones;

40) When you see that each year a new corruption and heresy appears;

41) When you see that people and organizations are all following selfish wealthy persons;

42) When you see that people have sex in public like animals;

43) When you see that people spent lots of assets in other than the way of God but they refuse to spent a few in the way of God;

44) When you see that there are people who are sad if they don’t perform a greater sin each day;

45) When you see that government is in the hands of women;

46) Wind blows for hypocrites and there is no breeze for believer persons;

47) When you see that judges make judgments against the order of God;

48) When you see that sermons are being given about the virtue above pulpits but the one who is giving sermon doesn’t act according to that;

49) When you see that people don’t pay attention to the prayer time;

50) When you see that even charity is being done by advice not in the way of God;

In such time be careful and ask God for freedom from this chaos! (that the coming is soon!)


As we have said before, what has been mentioned above is a part of a long hadith which points on corruptions which expand near the great revolution.

These various corruptions can be divided into three groups:

1) Corruptions related to legal issues and governments like expansion of oppression, dominance of adherents of untruth, nonexistence of freedom of speech and action, in the way that believer people can only express their hatred from oppression and oppressors in their hearts, also spending large assets in useless, harmful or destructive consumptions, advancement of bribery, auctioning the positions, inclination of weak people who don’t have constructive culture to any power which wins (anyone who it is); also spending the capitals in wars and destructive armament competitions and noticing to these issue more than construction (until the costs of war becomes more than the costs of constructions).

Also, each year new ways of corruption, oppression, exploitation are invented, and nobody feel responsible for social inharmonies except a few, and even they advise each other to disregard these issues.

2) Another part of these corruptions are related to moral issues, like: expansion of adulation, emulation, choosing trite jobs (like making money through prostitution of the wife!) by men, also advancement of wine, gambling and different kinds of unhealthy entertainment, speeches without action, hypocrisy, affectation and influencing the authorities even in helping the poor, evaluation of people by their wealth and like them.

3) Another part of these corruptions are related to particularly religious aspects like imposing lust-soaked self desires to Qur’an and interpretation by opinion, and material and personal inclinations in religious matters, congestion of polluted and sinner persons in mosques, extraordinary notice to ornamentation of mosques and emptying their contents, reducing the value of prayer and ignoring that and like them.


If we carefully notice then we see that many of these corruptions have become practical in present complexes and the other ones are also expected; so what don’t we have for preparing the background of that great revolution?

The answer of this question is that we have also previously mentioned; we have few knowledge, and in other words, constructive and revolutionary reaction against these corruptions.

Anyway, appearance of these signs is not solely the condition of establishment of that great revolution, but it is a beginning for awakening the thoughts, lashes for awakening the sleeping souls, and it is a background for preparing social and psychological readiness.

The people of the world will have to analyze the sources of these inharmonies, and their results and effects anyway, and it founds a general self-awareness and accordingly, they become certain that continuing the current conditions are not possible, but should make a revolution.

A revolution in all aspects for founding a just divine and popular system.


It is also necessary to remind that it is not necessary for these corruptions to appear all around the world and if some small environments are pure then this conditions is not fulfilled; but the criterion is the typical feature of the people of the world whether in the East or in the West; and in other words, this ruling is based on majority method like many other rulings.



1. Albeit, it is for the time when these two words are mentioned together, but if they are mentioned separately then both of them, which means قسط and عدل, may have the same meaning.


2. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, pages 256 to 260.
Signs of the Advent2) Dajjal (the great deceiver)