Material Revolution or Spiritual Revolution?


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Revolution or Gradual ReformsDefects of Democracy

Another discussion which can complete previous discussion is that, by considering several evidences which show that finally human life will see the brightness, and the dark clouds of insecurity and injustice will be removed from the sky of human civilization, this question arises that will the expanded revolution which should execute this plan be performed through the perfection of material laws or should this goal be achieved by the help of spiritual assets?

And in other words, is continuing the conditions of “current one-dimensional life” and completing that capable of execution of such plan, or should the change happen from this point and one-dimensional perfection gives its place to multidimensional perfection:

Human values to be revived,

Moralities to be utilized in an expanded way,

Faith and Affection to be revived,

And by using these assets, rebellious mechanical and material life to be restrained?

Noticing the main roots of present misfortunes and inharmonies shows that completion of this situation is in fact, completion of misfortunes! And continuing this way will be continuing the crises.


Today, democracy and government of people over people is known as the fairest way of government, that in most parts of the world only its name can be heard; assume that this type of government is established all around the world, then that is the beginning of all big problems.


We see at a glance that there are only four types of government in the world: 1) Autocracy (in its main feature) - the purpose if individual autocracy, which its conditions are clear in the past and the present and it is possible to say in a short sentence that: The source of any kind of slavery, misfortune, misery and backwardness of humans is this deadly type of government.

2) Autocracy (in the clothes of democracy) - it means the same individual bloody autocratic and oppressive government which has worn the clothes of democracy and brings its title and pretends democracy by establishing “false parties and assembly”. That party and assembly which the list of its members and leaders is written and ready before the establishment and the players wear their clothes behind the scene one by one and get ready for playing their roles by appearing on the scene.

Behinds the scene, they all eat and drink and laugh and deride together, but when they come on the scene one agrees and the other opposes, one of them is in the progressive wing and the other is in the constructive wing, one is coordinator of this wing and the other is coordinator of that wing, they start fake fights for deceiving the public, who don’t be deceived by these acts anymore; even they attack each other by closed fists and angry faces for completing this scene!

This kind of government was not available in the past history, because people and even dictators were frank, and maybe they didn’t think that it is possible to offer autocracy in the shape of democracy.

This type of government is the phenomenon of our age, the age of concisions, duplicities and the age of changing faces! And it is bitter fruit that its kernel belongs to the past and the shell belongs to the present, and it sonly goal is to delay the date of freedom of nations for some days and is capable of nothing other than that.

3) Dictatorship of the Proletariat - This type of government was not available in this way in the past, and it is product of mechanical age and exclusive to communist countries, in which “proletariat” (workers) takes the power and achieve its desire in all aspects under the title of Marxism.

Although, Marxists themselves have chosen the title “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” as the motto of their government, but regardless of the meanings which are hidden inside this title, it should be studied that whether proletariat governs such societies or members of the central committee of the party and its secretary general, a party which neither is comprehensive nor have free elections nor have a sign of democracy, and autocracy and tyranny of the heads of the government, and violence and depriving people from freedom in that is not hidden to everyone.

While history is being written and the list of governors and rulers is being compiled, is it possible to put the names of Stalin, Khrushchev and Mao except in the category of the most rigorous autocrats whom their governing time remembers burdensome miseries of humanity!

It is true that the leaders of these societies make effective steps in adjusting the capitals and it is true that they end the time of legendary wealthy persons, but is it possible to ignore this clear fact that they consume billions of the wealth of their countries foe strengthening the bases of their powers, and perform whatever they want unbridledly, and take the right of criticism, revision and strike and any kind of questioning from their people.

4) Democracy (in its main feature) - This kind of government, which is considered as the best and the most complete way of government in today’s world, and even pretending and claiming that is a cause of pride for many of the leaders, needless to mention its objective and external existence, is summarize in one sentence:

In this system of government, all people from any group or class can seemingly go to voting boxes freely and choose their real representatives, and give their future to them for some years, under circumstances.

They also seemingly legislate the laws, which consider that are useful for people, freely by consultation.

And sometimes, the chairman of this executive committee is chosen by the representatives and sometimes directly by people, that is called “prime minister” or “president”.

Revolution or Gradual ReformsDefects of Democracy