Benefit of Existence of Imam during the Occultation1


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3) The Philosophy of Existence of Imam during the Occultation1) Promising Effect

There is a meaningful and interesting expression in several different ahadith, which have been reached us about the philosophy and benefit of existence of Imam (pbuh) during the occultation, in a short phrase which can be a key for discovering this great secret and that is the answer of prophet (pbuh) for the question about the benefit of existence of Mahdi (pbuh) during his occultation; he said:

ای والّذی بعثنی بالنّبوّة انّهم ینتفعون به، و یستضیئون بنور ولایته فی غیبه کانتفاع النّاس بالشّمس و ان جلّلها السّحاب2

(Yes, I swear to the one who chosen me, people take benefit from the light of his leadership during his occultation like they take from the Sun behind the clouds!)

We should understand the role of the Sun generally and when it is behind the clouds for understanding this key:

The Sun has two kinds of refulgence:

Apparent refulgence

And hidden refulgence

On in other words, “direct refulgence” and “indirect refulgence”.

In apparent refulgence sunlight can be seen clearly, although thick layer of air which has surrounded the earth acts as a think glass; a glass which both reduces the degree of refulgence of the Sun and makes it bearable, and filters the sunlight and nullifies its deadly radiations, but it doesn’t prevent direct refulgence of the Sun.

But in indirect refulgence, clouds take the sunlight like a mate glass and distribute it.

Sunlight has the most important role in the living world and the life of living creatures:

The sunlight which shines from the Sun to everywhere is the only source of energy for moving living motors of life in plants, animals and humans:

Growth of living creatures,

Their feeding and reproduction,

Feeling, movement and action,

Watering the dead lands,

Roar of sea waves,

Life-giving blow of the winds,

Life-Making shower of the rain and snow,

The murmur of waterfalls,

Singing voices of the birds,

Dazzling beauty of flowers,

Blood circulation inside human veins and heartbeats,

Hyperspeed movement of thoughts inside the curtains of the brain,

And sweet smile on the lips of petals like an infant and …

All and all depends on sunlight directly or indirectly and all of them will faint without that, and it can be recognized with a little notice.

Well, now this question is asked that aren’t these benefits and life-giving effects exclusive to the time of direct refulgence?

The answer of this question is clear: no, many of these effects are also available in mate sunlight when the Sun is behind the clouds.

For example, in countries or cities which are covered by clouds some months of the year sunlight cannot be seen, but heat, growth of plants, production of necessary energy for motors of life, ripeness of cereals and fruits and laughter of flowers and blooms are available.

Therefore, refulgence of the Sun from behind the curtains of clouds has and important part of its benefits; and only a part of its effects which needs direct refulgence is not available; for example, we know that sunlight has vital effects of the skin and other parts of the body of humans and other living creatures and accordingly in countries which people are deprived of this gift, they take sunbath in sunny days; and become naked in front of this life-giving light and take each particle of this light by all of their body which is thirsty for this divine gift.

Also, direct sunlight has disinfecting effect - because of ultraviolet radiation - which purifies the environment adding to more lightness and heat which is not available in indirect refulgence.


We conclude from the above discussion that although curtains of clouds take some of effects of the sunlight but an important part of it still remains.

This was the conditions of sunlight and now we return to the conditions of existence of divine leaders during occultation.

Invisible spiritual radiation of existence of Imam (pbuh) when it is hidden behind the clouds of occultation has different considerable effects that disclose the philosophy of his existence, regardless of removing the issue of direct education and training.

These effects are as follows:



1. I wrote this part of the book in Naeen police station in which I was practically imprisoned for one day when they were transferring me from Mahabad exile place to Anarak exile place (May 30th, 1979).
2. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, page 93.


3) The Philosophy of Existence of Imam during the Occultation1) Promising Effect