3- Islamic clemency and other creatures!


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2- Islamic mercy in the battlefield!4- Dua (invocation) of Moslems for all human beings!

Islamic clemency and benevolence includes not only all humans (regardless of their religion), but also all creatures and beings.

On this basis, there are narrations(18) among Islamic instructions talking about animals’ rights. Hereunder, we refer to one sample for familiarity with scope of Islamic clemency and affection:

Islam Prophet (s.a.) has numerated six rights for the beast which shall be observed by their owners:

یبدء بعلفها اذا نزل

When he reaches a stage place, first he shall provide water and food for the animal. Then, he may think of his own food.

و یعرض علیها الماء اذا مر به

During journey and course, when he finds water, he shall lead the animal to there to drink.

و لا یضرب وجهها فانها تسبح بحمد ربها

(if he wants the animal to move faster) He shall not lash the animal’s face and head because the animals too glorify God, and it is not right to lash the head and face of animal which glorifies God.(19)

و لا یقف علی ظهرها الا فی سبیل الله

He shall not ride on the standing animal unless in the path of God (for instance, in the battle field, where there is no problem for riding on the standing animal, because there is the possibility raid by enemy).

و لا یحملها فوق طاقتها

The animals too have a limited power and ability. One shall consider the beast’s ability, and do not make it to carry more than what he can.

و لا یکلفها من المشی الا ما تطیق

In addition to drafting, the beasts shall be also cared for long journeys and distances, and one shall ride on them as much as their ability and bearing.

These are subtle instructions which are not observed in the present world, and no one care them. Rather, many could not understand it. However, the merciful religion of Islam cares all of these subtle points and bids its followers to observe them. Is such religion the religion of violence?


18-  There are numerous narrations in this regard so that in Vassaeloshiite, vol. 8, there are more than fifty rules in chapter “Rules for the Beast”.
19-  According to the Holy Quran, we believe that the entire world are glorifying the Lord of World.



2- Islamic mercy in the battlefield!4- Dua (invocation) of Moslems for all human beings!