3- Islamic clemency even with non-Moslems


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2- Return evil with goodness!4- Prophet’s (s.a.) benevolence, an attracting factor for Moslems

قل للذین آمنوا یغفروا للذین لا یرجون ایام الله لیجزی قوماً بما کانوا یکسبون

Say unto those who believe, that they forgive those who do not look for the days of God, that He may recompense a people for that they have been earning.(7)

According to the above verse, Islamic clemency and benevolence is not allocated and restricted just to the Moslems and believers. Rather, God instructs Moslems to be kind with non-Moslems too.

Is such religion the religion of violence?!

We read in the story of People of Lot that the divine messengers commissioned for punishment appeared to Hazrat Abarahm (a.s.) in the shape of strangers.  They were commissioned to destroy and ruin the city of People of Lot! Abraham (a.s.) prepared food for them, but none of them touched it! This did not sound good at that time, because when a stranger guest did not touch food, the host was not secure of his evil. In contrary, if he took food, the host felt tranquility and security. On this account, Abraham (a.s.) conceived fear of them and felt danger. He asked for the reason. They replied: Don’t worry. We are messengers from your Lord who have appeared to you for accomplishment of two missions:

First, we would like to give you the glad tidings of Isaac and after Issac, of Jacob, although your wife is an old woman and you are an old man too.

Abraham (a.s.) and his wife became very happy and were delighted.

 The other is that we are commissioned to extinguish People of Lot  who are sinful and evildoer. This in contrary to the first news, was very distressing and disturbing for Abraham. Then, he negotiated with the divine messengers for defer or alleviation in punishment of People of Lot, and disputed with them on this!

The angels replied to his request:

یا ابراهیم اعرض عن هذه انه قد جاء امر ربک و انهم آتیهم عذاب غیر مردود

O Abraham, turn away from this; thy Lord’s command has surely come, and there Is coming upon them a chastisement not to be turned back.(8)

While People of Lot were one of the most sinful, tainted and dirty of the precedent nations and people, Abraham’s (a.s.) clemency and benevolence embraced them, and he was even trying to spend his honor with God for them and intercede for delay or alleviation in their chastisement.

Abraham’s (a.s.) charity and lenient attitude is really an exemplary one, and Quran and Islam encourages such kindness and benevolence.

Is it acceptable to accuse such religion which is full of clemency, kindness and benevolence to violence? Never!


7-  Quran, Hobbling:14
8-  Quran, Hood:76



2- Return evil with goodness!4- Prophet’s (s.a.) benevolence, an attracting factor for Moslems