3- Holy War (Jihad) and Islamic clemency!


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Third: Rules for execution of penal laws4- Initial Jihad

Why Islam which you introduce it as the religion of mercy has enacted Holy War and authorizes Moslems to attack others and kill them?

Isn’t war an application of violence? If yes, why it has been recommended?

For replying to this question, it is necessary to find Quran’s attitude towards war to clarify if Islamic Jihad is a sort of violence or it is compatible with the Islamic clemency? For this purpose, we study some Quranic verses hereunder:

First and second: Military readiness for prevention from war

و اعدولهم ما استطعتم من قوه و من رباط الخیل

(O Moslems!), make ready for them whatever force and strings of horses you can.(33)

ترهبون به عدو الله و عدوکم

to terrify by them the enemy of God and your enemy.(34)

In fact, Islam intends to eradicate war through high readiness of Moslems, and prevent any conflict and blood-shedding. Islam says:

Be so strong and powerful that the enemy may even not think of warfare and attack.

Is such religion the religion of violence?

We read in the next verse:

و ان جنحوا للسلم فاجنح لها و توکل علی الله انه هو السمیع العلیم.

And if they incline to peace, do thou incline to it; and put thy trust in God; He is the All-hearing, the All-knowing.(35)

Thereby, Islam does not support conflict, violence, war and blood-shedding. When the enemy repents and is ready for peace and reconciliation, it instructs to leave war and accept cease-fire.

In brief, Islam’s attitude towards war is a preventive one, but if it is not effective and war occurred, it benefits any appropriate opportunity for ceasing war.

Therefore, Islam has not authorized its soldiers to start any war, and all Islamic wars have been initiated by the enemy.

Is this attitude towards Jihad mixed with violence, or clemency and benevolence!


Third: Scope of Holy War (Jihad) and its rules:


فمن اعتدی علیکم فاعتدوا علیه بمثل ما اعتدی علیکم و اتقو الله و اعلموا ان الله مع المتقین

Whoso commits aggression against you, do you commit aggression against him like as he has committed against you; and fear you God, and know that God is with the god-fearing.(36)

According to the above verse, first: You are authorized to commit aggression only against those who have committed aggression against you. Second: Your aggression shall be like them and you shall not transgress. Third: Do not forget god-fearing even in the battle and blood-shedding field, and know that God is with the god-fearing.

In fact, law of Jihad in Islam is accepted and observed by all sage men in the world. Does any wise man authorizes man to submit to enemy’s attack and let them to dominate his soul, wealth and honor? Never! Rather, all sage men recommend the same preventive logic of Quran.


Fourth: Is ignoring Jihad equal to destruction of houses of worship

God recites one of the philosophies of Jihad in Quran:

و لو لا دفع الله الناس بعضهم ببعض لهدمت صوامع و بیع و صلوات و مساجد یذکر فیها اسم الله کثیراً و لینصرن الله من ینصره إن الله لقوی عزیز.

Had God not driven back the people, some by the means of others, there had been destroyed cloisters and churches, oratories and mosques, wherein God’s Name is much mentioned. Assuredly God will help him who helps Him – surely God is All-strong, All-mighty.(37)

Right! If the faithful and brave individuals do not take any action and just be a looker of the destructive activities of tyrants, unbelievers and the cruel, there will remain no trace of temples and centers for divine worship. The temples are the station of wakefulness and arch of prayer is the field of battle and war. Mosque is a barrier to the tyrants. Basically, any invitation to theology is against the tyrants who would like people to worship them as God! Therefore, if they can, they would destroy all of these centers.

It is interesting that according to this verse, not only Islamic Jihad guarantees Islamic temples, but also the temples of all divine religions are protected thanks to it.


33-  Quran, The Spoils:60
34-  Quran, The Spoils:60
35-  Quran, The Spoils:61
36-  Quran, The Cow:194
37-  Quran, The Pilgrimage:40



Third: Rules for execution of penal laws4- Initial Jihad