

صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Closing the Eyes during Prayer [ Makruh Acts of Prayer ]

QuestionIs closing the eyes during prayer impermissible? Is it permissible if we can pay more attention to Allah by doing this act?
Answer: This act is makrūh (abominable) unless this is the only way of having presence of the heart (full concentration).

Performing Prayers with Black Clothing [ Makruh Acts of Prayer ]

QuestionWearing black clothing for prayer is makrūh does it also apply to black Chadors worn by women and black cloaks worn by clerics?
Answer: It is well-known that wearing black clothing for prayer is makrūh and the reason behind it applies to both men and women but cloak is an exception and it is likely that black Chador is also an exception.
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