The Mafuradat Explanations:


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Introduction (Tamhid)Qura’n and the proof about the truths (1)

The origin of “Shaheed” is “Shahud” and Raghib says in Mafuradat that it means the witnessing of the visible whether that visibility is through the human eyes of through the heart. At times it is used in a sense devoid of any visibility but the word “Shahud” is better used in Hozur ma’ Mushahida” then in Hozur (presence) and Shahadat.

The book Maqayis-ol -Loghata says that there are three things found in the meaning of “Shahadat”, presence, and Knowledge and informing others. If those who sacrifice their lives in the way of God are called Shaheed it is because they witness the great rewards God has created for them and then the present themselves.

The book Al Aiyn says that “Ash-Shahad” is that honey which has not been extracted out of the wax. The author has mentioned this as the actual base of the word “Shahad” the question is that is this real meaning according to the Loghata (dictionary) and if it is so then what is the relation with the problem of presence? The author has not clarified this (1)

The origin of Mohit is Ahata which means to encompass or encircle and to overwhelm. From some of the dictionaries we find that encompassment is of two kinds. The first is the encompassing of the material bodies like the boundary wall that encompasses an estate and this is why in Arabic it is called “Haita” The second meaning is to protect and care or to be aware of something.

This is sometimes used to denote the ban on something, or to stop something like a person who is encircled from all sides so that he cannot escape and go to where he wants to reach. Sometimes the word “Ahtiyat “ (care) is used where some person wants to do something but wants to be safe from, illusions, doubts, and sins.

The book Maqayis-ol- Loghata says that this word has been derived from the word “Huot” which means something which revolves around something else.

It is possible that the word Muhit may mean the encompassing of existence, the periphery, surrounding or encompassing of nature or encompassing knowledge. (2)


“Noor” is that light which spreads and helps us to see things. It is of two kinds. Material and spiritual. The material light is that which can be seen with normal eyes and the spiritual light is that which is seen through inner realization like the light of intellect, or the light of the Holy Qura’n. If fitna (disorder) is called Naira (conflagration) it is because it spreads and takes space.

When we reflect we learn that the word Noor actually means the light that can be seen with human eyes then are the stages of belief, intellect and Qura’n so much so that it can be used for God himself.

“Naar’ means fire and comes under the same purview and many meanings are commonly attributed in the two. “Minara” is so called because lamps are burned there and the Azan is the beacon that spreads spiritual light.

The word Naur’ means blossoms of a tree especially the white ones because they seem like a light when they begin to bud.

1. Al Mafuradat, Lisan-ol-Arab, Maqayis-ol-Loghat, Kitabol Aiyn.
2. 2) Al Tahqiq fi Kalimatol Qura’n Al Karim, Mafuradat, Maqayis Al Loghata and Lisan al Arab should be seen

Introduction (Tamhid)Qura’n and the proof about the truths (1)