The Tradition of the Day of Dar


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The Content of the Tradition of ManzalahThe documentation of the Tradition of Thaqalin

According to that which has appeared in Islamic history, the Prophet in 3 AH was assigned to make open his invitation which he had kept secret until then. As the Holy Quran says,

و انذر عشیرتک الاقربین
الشعراء 26/214

“And admonish your nearest kinsmen.” (26:214)

The Holy Prophet called his close family to the home of his uncle, Abu Talib. After they had eaten, he said, “O sons of Abdul Muttalib, I swear that I know no one among the Arabs who has brought anything better than what I have brought. I have brought the goodness of this world and the next and God has ordered me to invite you to these precepts and I will befriend one of you to be my brother and my successor.”

No one showed any interest in his proposal, other than Ali, peace be upon him, who was the youngest among them. He arose and said, O Prophet of God, I am your helper upon this way.” The Prophet put his arm around his neck and said, “This brother is my inheritor and my successor among you. Listen to his words and obey his orders.”

But the lost tribe did not accept and turned to magic.

The above famous Tradition is called yaum al-dar (the day of the invitation in the home). It is clear proof that many of the Sunnis scholars like ibn Abi Jarir, ibn Abi Hatam ibn Mardawiyah, Abu Na’im, Biliaqi, Thalibi,Tabari, ibn Athir, Abu al-Fada and others have recorded it (for further information see al-Marajiat , p. 130 and Kitab al-Haqaqah al-Haqq, vol. 4, p. 62).

Whenever we study this Tradition, without any prejudgments, the truth of Ali’s caliphate and wilayat becomes clearer to us because it refers directly to caliphate and leadership.


Think and Answer

1. What is the Tradition of Manzalah? How many People have confirmed it?

2. What was the content of the Tradition of Manzalah and what position did it prove for Ali?

3. Aaron had what position in relation to Moses, according to the Holy Quran?

4. Which scholars have recorded the Tradition of Manzalah?

5. What does the Tradition of Yaum al-Dar and its content and documentation show?





The Content of the Tradition of ManzalahThe documentation of the Tradition of Thaqalin