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Anti-Islamists should be ready for the response f r o m Muslims across the Globe
The Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi in the beginning of his Fiqh course:

Today a group of Muslims in Bahrain, Al-Ahsa, Al-Qatif and Azerbaijan are under the pressure of the “Vicious Triangle” and continuing this way is going to lead to an unpleasant ending. The Shiites’ in Azerbaijan, Bahrain and Hejaz will not remain silent, and all Shiites around the globe will unite with these oppressed people.

2322 CountBazdid: 2012/1/5 TarikheEnteshar:
Sanctions and threats will not affect Iran
Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi in his Fiqh course:

Today the western governments believe that they have mobilized the public opinion against us and imposed limitations on us by threats and sanctions; some, therefore, have been influenced by this propaganda while the sanctions and threads must not be heeded at all.

2572 CountBazdid: 2012/1/3 TarikheEnteshar:
Breaking down The West's exclusivism in sciences is a must
The Grand Islamic Authority and jurist Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi stated in his meeting with the members of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI):

Breaking down the Westerner’s exclusivism in developments and sciences is a must; and our brilliant youth should make these stingy ones feel embarrassed

1852 CountBazdid: 2011/12/21 TarikheEnteshar:
Commemorating the day of Ashura insures Islam and the Islamic revolution in the world.
Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi in his Fiqh course:

The Iranian people insure themselves with the commemorating of Ashura and that is why they could not be defeated. From the point of view of the enemies Since Ashura exists, they cannot put Iran under pressure by sanctions.

2453 CountBazdid: 2011/12/15 TarikheEnteshar:
A fatherly advice to sons of revolution
Announced by the Office of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi:

 I advise all of these dears not to violate laws, and not to engage in anything without the permission of revolution's leader and other officials. We must be very conscious and avoid giving excuse to them.

2669 CountBazdid: 2011/12/12 TarikheEnteshar:
His highness's recommendations to mourners of the Prince of the Martyrs
Announced by the Office of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi:

The Ashura of the year 1433 (A.H.) arrives magnificently and the pure blood of the Martyrs of Karbala boils again and the lovers of Imam Husayn’s teachings get ready more and more for observing this glorious and historical ceremony.

1783 CountBazdid: 2011/12/1 TarikheEnteshar:
The message of his eminence on anniversary of destruction of Imam's sanctuaries in Baqi'
Announced by the Office of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi:

Due to their unreasonable thoughts, they destroyed not only the sanctuaries of the infallible Imams ('a) in Baqi’ but also all historical buildings and monuments of Mecca and Medina which were the signs of the Islamic dignity and the historical heritage of all Muslims in the world.

2011 CountBazdid: 2011/9/7 TarikheEnteshar:
 Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi urged the Islamic community to aid famine victims in Africa
Announced by the Office of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi:

Famine and drought are taking the lives of many Muslims in Somalia, in this situation, it is obligatory for all Muslims to provide help and assistance for them immediately.

3364 CountBazdid: 2011/8/20 TarikheEnteshar:
An open letter f r o m Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi to Abdul-Aziz Aal Sheikh, the head Mufti of Saudi Arabia
From the office of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi:

Do not forget this fact that these baseless libels and false accusation of infidelity against Shia Muslims would be greatly in favor of Israel and the United States, because such actions lead to Shia’s hatred toward Wahhabism

4842 CountBazdid: 2011/5/7 TarikheEnteshar:
Sheikh Qarzawi must observe the realities without any bigotry and prejudice
Grand ayatollah Makarem Shirazi stated at the beginning of his Fiqh lesson:

Sheikh Qarzawi supports the revolution in Egypt and the military action in Libya. But when it comes the turn of Bahrain, he directly supports the dictatorship. Is this duplicity proper for an Islamic scholar?

3117 CountBazdid: 2011/4/4 TarikheEnteshar:
The message of his eminence to some Muftis of Hijaz and Egypt
From the office of his highness, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi:

Those Muftis who condemn the uprising of people against the tyrants must reconsider their Fatwas immediately and j o i n the ranks of Muslim community; they should not lose initiative in this field and must not let the enemies of Islam to exploit this situation in their own favor.

2626 CountBazdid: 2011/3/5 TarikheEnteshar:
The message of his highness to the zealous Egyptian nation and honorable Al-Azhar
From the office of Ayatollah Makarem shirazi

Justice, reasonable freedom, eradication of poverty and avoiding foreign interference in Muslim's matters, these are all from the certain principles of Islam and Quran.

2957 CountBazdid: 2011/2/5 TarikheEnteshar:
Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi analyzed the recent events of Lebanon and Tunisia
The statement of his eminence at the beginning of his Kharej Fiqh lesson:

The leaders of Islamic countries must know that the age of foreign dependence is over; they must serve their own nations and rely on their people, taking in to account that the outsiders cannot save them.

3077 CountBazdid: 2011/1/22 TarikheEnteshar:
Cut off the Roots of the Crime
The statement of His Highness about Wahhabites recent crimes in Chabahar

It is surprising! Although they see that such crimes do not affect the glory of mourning ceremonies for Imam Husayn (a.s.) at all and it is observed greater every year and such crimes make Shia more determined to continue their way, they are too silly to understand it.

2788 CountBazdid: 2010/12/19 TarikheEnteshar:
The message of his eminence regarding the beginning of Muharram and Ashura:
From the office of his highness, grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi at the occasion of martyrdom anniversary of Imam Husain (a.s)

The ceremonies and the processions of Imam Husain should be held more splendid than the previous years to annul the plots of enemies by magnifying these Islamic symbols.

2930 CountBazdid: 2010/12/9 TarikheEnteshar:
The missionaries sent by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi are settled in Medina
Head of the hajj office of Ayattollah Makarem Shirazi said

The office of the grand ayatollah, Makarem Shirazi, has been reopened today in Medina to attend and answer the religious issues of the pilgrims of Allah’s inviolable house.

3272 CountBazdid: 2010/10/27 TarikheEnteshar:
The statement of His Excellency concerning the insolent against the Holy Quran in America
From the office of his highness Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi:

The enemies of the Holy Quran be aware that not only they cant degrade the greatness of the Holy Quran by doing these shameful acts, but also it proves their brutality.


3427 CountBazdid: TarikheEnteshar:
The statement of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi about the tragic event in Zahedan:
From the office of his highness Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi:

Once again the followers of the wicked idea of radical Wahhabism showed its real nature by killing some of our dear country men in Zahedan

3276 CountBazdid: TarikheEnteshar:
Wilayah Satellite Channel was opened
Under the responsibility and following the speech of his highness Makarem Shirazi

Wilayah worldwide channel established on the teachings of the holy Quran shows the culture of Islam and the household of the Prophet (s.a.) logically and scientifically for people around the world.

3008 CountBazdid: TarikheEnteshar:
Rebuttal of Rumors about the Issuance of Fatwa of Death Sentence
From the office of his highness Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi:

I have absolutely not issued such fatwa about such persons and this is the archness performed by some websites.

3963 CountBazdid: TarikheEnteshar:
The statement of His Holiness about painful events of Ashura in Tehran
The office of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi (May Allah prolong his life) published:

According to some reliable news, not only they promote separation of government from Islam but also some of them have insulted the high position of the leader of martyrs and his mournerss.

4143 CountBazdid: TarikheEnteshar:
The message of his holiness regarding Shiites genocide in Yemen
Announced by the Office of Grand Ayatollah Makarem shirazi's official website

The conversant Muslims must oppose and push the international communities under pressure and pray during their prayers for salvation of the oppressed, exposed and innocent Shiites of Yemen f r o m the jaws of oppressors and cruel.

3106 CountBazdid: TarikheEnteshar:
The proposal of grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi to end the Terrors

In order to end the violences there is no way except finding the origin of evil. The origin of evil can be found in the schools of the extremist Wahhabis. When they obviously teach their students that Just you are true Muslims and all others are infidels and pagans and it is lawful to kill them and ravage their properties and killing them is obligatory.

3572 CountBazdid: TarikheEnteshar:
The Message of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi about the death of Sayyid Abdulaziz Hakim
Announced by Grand Ayatollah Makarem shirazi's office:

The woeful loss of the great combatant scholar, excellency Hujatul Islam valmuslimin Sayyid Abdulaziz Hakim, Iraqs supreme Islamic council chief, caused a lot of heartache and regret in Islamic countries and specially among the Shiites.


3575 CountBazdid: TarikheEnteshar:
To the conference of Shiite and Sunni Scholars Sympathy
The message of Grand Ayatollah Makarem shirazi

The importance of unity and solidarity is revealed when you know that the western countries suddenly realized that Islam and the Islamic culture are obstacles for their avarice after the collapse of former Soviet and becoming the world unipolar,. So, they are trying to defeat the Muslims and division among Muslims is the best way.

3940 CountBazdid: TarikheEnteshar:
The Message of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi to Participants in Tehran Friday Prayers
Announced by Grand Ayatollah Makarem shirazi's office:

Our Islamic ceremonies and our rules and educations and Iranians do not let us to pollute the unity-making Friday prayers with disunity-making slogans. We will certainly disappoint the enemies and never let them to change our friendship to hatred and spoil the independence and magnificence of our country.

4192 CountBazdid: TarikheEnteshar:
The bulletin of his holiness about the burdensome Incidents occurred to China Muslims
Announced by Grand Ayatollah Makarem shirazi's office:

We strongly condemn this suppression and urge all Muslims of the world to demand in one voice that the Chinese government end this situation and punish the criminals.

2703 CountBazdid: TarikheEnteshar:
Mass media shall teach people the culture of prudence and saving
In his Kharej Fiqh course, His holiness referred to the verses and narrations indicating saving and avoiding extravagance in consumption and said: The mass media shall teach people the culture of saving and prudence in practice. It shall begin from the offices and mass media so that Inshallah it would be effective on people too.


4636 CountBazdid: TarikheEnteshar:
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