
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 06)
Verses 1-6

Heren, the Prophet as the example and leader for people is addressed, and stress is put on three of great attributes of God (Divinity, Ownership and Deity), all of which have a direct relation with training man and saving him from the claws of tempting whisperers.
Of course, seeking refuge in God does not mean to utter the phrase by tongue. Rather, one may seek refuge in God by idea, thought and action, through avoiding satanic courses, satanic programs, satanic thoughts and propagations and satanic gatherings, and placing himself in the course of divine thoughts and propagations.
Otherwise, it is not sufficient for one who exposes himself to the typhoon of temptations to recite the sura and utter the words.
Uttering the phrase Lord of People, one confesses to the divinity of God and submits himself to His training.
Uttering the phrase King of People, one calls Him his king and submits to His commands.
Uttering the phrase, God of People, one worships Him, and refrains worshipping anyone save Him. Undoubtedly, one who believes in the above three attributes, will be immune from the evil of whisperers.
Satans fear when the name of God is uttered, retard and hide themselves after hearing it. This is the reason why the term sneaking whisperer is applied for it.
The policy of Satan is embellishment and disguising falsehood with a covering of truth, and lie with a covering of truthfulness. This is a warning to all of those who tread in the path of God for not expecting to see Iblis in its main face and guise.
Trick, lie, deception, ostentation, and concealing truth are among its program.
The phrase From among the Jinn and the people warns that the sneaking whisperers are not just among one group, type and class. They are spread among Jinn and people and in any guise and class of people. We shall be vigilant against all of them, and seek refuge in God from evil of all of them. 
Sneaking whisperer includes bad friends, deviated associates, cruel and aberrant leaders, the agents of despots, corruptive writers and speakers, blasphemous doctrines and ideologies, tempting mass media, all and all are among the from the evil of whom, man shall seek refuge in God. 
In an interesting and meaningful narration from Imam Sadiq (AS), we read: when the verse:
والذین اذا فعلوا فاحشه او ظلموا انفسهم ذکروا الله فاستغفروا لذنوبهم
...who, when they commit an indecency or wrong themselves, remember God, and pray forgiveness for their sins ... (The House of Imran:135)
was revealed, Iblis went to the top of a mountain in Mecca, and cried loudly and gathered the heads of his host. 
They asked: O our master! What has happened and why did you call us?
He said: This verse has been revealed( which disturbs me and saves man). Who could confront with it?
One of the great devils said: I could, and this is my plan! 
Iblis did not accept his plan!
The other stood up and presented its plan. Again, it was not accepted! 
Then, the sneaking whisperer stood up and said:I could manage it!
Iblis asked: How?
He said: I will amuse them with promises and wishes to be tainted with sin, and when they sinned, I will cause them to neglect and forget repentance! 
Iblis said: You can manage this task (your plan is very dexterous and superb). 
Then, he commissioned him for this task until the Day of Resurrection.
End of People Sura and end of last volume of Tafsir-e-Nemouneh

O God! The trap is hard and the enemy is vigilant, and its plans and plots are hidden and unknown, and salvation is not possible unless with Your Favor! 
O God! Make us more familiar with the reality of Your Great Divine Book!
O God! We have submitted to Your Great Quran; You too give us success for practicing it!
O God! How shall I pay gratitude to You for granting me this great honor and success to complete this commentary book at this time and after three years!
O Merciful and Compassionate God! Accept from us this little service and make it a reserve for us on the Day of Resurrection!

وآخر دعوانا ان الحمد لله رب العالمین 
Qom Seminary
Ahmad AliBabaei

Verses 1-6