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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 06)
verses 47-51verses 52-55

VERSE NO .47-51
Again the reference is to the grandeur and sublimity of God in creation of the universe:-
``We constructed the sky with might , and we continually expand.''
The verse may imply that if you do not want to look at the fates of the past generations and take lesson, you may have a look and study the wonders of the sky that surrounds you, and know the infinite knowledge, wisdom, power, and plans of its Creator.
How vast the universe is when we come to measure by the unit of, ``LIGHT-YEAR'' and light speed!
How flat and straight our globe seems in spite of being a sphere or ellipse?! How many huge planets even greater than our sun, exist in the sky! And the fact that everything has been made in pair!
Some commentators have understood the Arabic; ``ZOWGINE'' to mean kinds or species of living creatures, but we do not believe that we should confine the pairs to animals and Man. It may generally include everything from the electron and positron in the atom, up to the trees and plants, the animals and birds as well as Mankind, which all have been created males and females. Even a magnet has two poles and everything has its suitable counter part.
The only Existence who is Unique and who has no similar or pair to complement Him is our Lord the Only One God, and Lord of Creation and universe.
Some commentators understand the ending phrase of the above verse(No.47) to have referred to the expansion of universe.
A puzzling problem concerning the nature of the universe is its general expansion indicated by the motions of external galaxies. These galaxies are systematically moving away from our milky-way at an ever-increasing speed. This matter is more understood by a principle of physics known as doppler effect. The farther away the galaxies are, the faster they recede from us.
The most distant galaxy whose velocity has been measured is about 800 million light-years away from us. It is receding from us at a speed of about 37000 m/s, which is one fifth of the velocity of light.
In this respect, there is the question whether the universe is infinite or finite. Whether it is revolving or in a steady state, and whether the space in straight or curved?
The present universal expansion is regarded as having evolved from an initial singular event, a starting time when matter would have been in a highly compressed state at high temperature. It should be noted that, because of the geometry of space-time required by relativity theory, this expansion has no center in the spatial dimensions as we know, but only an origin in time.
The time of this event in the past, or the age of the universe depends on the presently observed velocity-distance relation in the expansion, and whether the expansion has been uniform in time, and on the magnitude of the smeared-out universal density of matter.
Present data suggest that this age is probably greater than 10 billion years.
As the conclusion of the passage, Man is asked to flee to his Lord, and do not set up another god besides Allah, to escape from polytheism, sin, and the material life which is full of spiritual hazards; and to join the Mercy, Grace, and Forgiveness of God which is all safety and security. He is wanted to flee towards Allah to obtain salvation and an everlasting prosperous life.

verses 47-51verses 52-55