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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 06)
Verses 24-25Verses 26-31

VERSE NO.24-25
Here reference is to a certain group of Atheists, who disbelieve the existence of a supreme, All-knowing, All-power Being, who has created the universe, and that He controls it, and rules over everything.
They were the materialists whose philosophy was, that matter and nature are eternal, and nothing but time and nature destroys creatures, or gives them life!
What they say is only a conjecture and what they say has nothing to do with knowledge and wisdom. The polytheists did believe in the Supreme God, but they were also of opinion that their idols could intercede on their behalf with Allah:-
``And they said:- ``It is only the worldly life of us-we die and we come to life and no one destroys us except the time (nature).''
``But they have no knowledge of what they say, and they merely conjecture.''
They thought that no Supreme God has any control over the life and death of the creatures, and they will naturally die and make room for others to come, and that eventually all will die, and reduce to nothing!
In the past, some people thought of causes of the phenomena to be what they call it the nature. There were still other who thought the causes were the firmaments, and some mysterious heavenly spheres for which they proved will and wisdom; and the worlds were controlled by those firmaments!
Then by lapse of time, it was proved that there existed no such a thing as wise firmaments, and that the planets are nothing more than globes like our earth.
As a matter of fact, such naturalists were mistaking the time and nature for the real God.
In their disputes with Moslims, the materialists were reasoning; if there is a Hereafter, then bring to us our fathers that we may ask them what is what!?
They neglected that evolution and development has no way to return. It has its own way and especial rules and regulations, and no one can overpower it unless God, the All-knowing, All-power, wants and permits. So it is against the nature of development and the rules of evolution to tell some body if you are truthful then turn a young man to a baby, or an old woman to a young girl, or raise up a dead to his material life. Only God the All-knowing Creator is able to do such and such, and His promise is the general resurrection for a Day of judgement, when he has made all the necessary preparations.

Materialism is the doctrine that everything in the world is matter moving in the space. As to the question, ``What the space is'' they don't have a convincing answer. In their opinion, there is not any immaterial substance to make mind and soul.
The materialists generally hold that mind is simply one of the ways in which matter functions. Just as breathing is a functioning of the respiratory system, and runing is a functioning of the muscles system, so is thinking a functioning of the brain and nervous system.
With the rising dominance of modern science in the last 500 years, materialism has become increasingly prominent in Western thought. In actual, laboratory even biology and psychology now depends almost entirly upon materialistic language.
On the other hand, those who have gone deeper into the knowledge of matter and material, such as the biologist Edmund W. Sinnott in his Cell and Psych, have come to the conclusion that Materialism is inadequate.
Nowadays, we know that matter can be changed to energy and vice versa (E=MC2). This phenomenon takes the very existence of matter and its durability under question. In its duality of existence no one really knows whether an electron is a particle or a wave, and if a wave; in what a medium?
On the other hand, in the creation of everything we see a certain rightful measuring and size, which is the sign and symptom of the hand of great wisdom beyond every work, every phenomenon, and everything.
How can an unintelligent matter know that it is a must, that my feet should be equal in length, and my eyes must be equal in size!?
How can the unwise matter know that my eye should be fixed in a cave, for further safety and protection!?
There must always be a suitable relation between a container, and that which it contains. We may pour water in a material pot, but for the air or light we must think of some other kind of container. Birds of a feather flock together. A material container can only hold material contents-Knowledge, love, poetries, and memories are not material things to be kept in the material brain. They need retentive immaterial vessels to hold them.


Verses 24-25Verses 26-31