
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 01)
Verses 172-174 verse 175

      Muslims buried their martyrs in the battle-field of Ohud, with an exception of a few, whose family took them to Medina, and they all returned back to Medina in the evening of saturday 23rd March 625' all being tired, badly injured and escaped a defeat.

      In the next morning as per oder of God, the prophet summoned those who had taken part in the yesterday's fighting, and told them to get ready as quick as possible in order to set out in pursuit of the retreating enemy! This expedition was a true demonstration of power, for overawing the enemy, and inspiring the defeated Muslims with confidence and courage.

      The prophet appointed, IBN-OMM-MAKHTUM, as his vicegerent in Medina, and then set out with his troops and came as far as HAMRAOLASAD, a distance of eight miles from Medina.

      Hazrat Imam Ali (AS) who was badly wounded, with his physical strength entirely exhausted, got up and swiftly dressed some of his more dangerous wounds, that numbered to more than sixty more or less! He then joined the prophet and his forces. A brother was seen to carry his wounded brother for having no mount and hence the verse:

      ``Those who answered the call of Allah and the Messenger even after being wounded.''

      The prophet stationed his troops in HAMRAOLASAD for three days. He kept them hard at work during the days, and in the night by his order, they kindled many individual fires and lit hundreds of lights in order to show more of themselves, and to make their demonstration of power and forces much more impressive.

      Meanwhile the pagans stayed in the vicinity of the town, some fifteen miles yonder, in order to avoid giving any ground for the impression that they were fleeing from the Muslims. Then it happened that a nomad named; MAABADE KHAZAIE, who had some sympathy with Muslims was going to Mecca, when he met with ABUSOFYAN who asked him about Mohammad's situation? The nomad Arab said to Abusofyan: ``Mohammad has come out to catch you with an enormous army that I could not count them. And also those who took no part in the yesterday's fight have now joined him to compensate their shortcoming.''

      ABUSOFYAN went deeply through himself, and a mysterious fear conquered his heart, and ordered his troops to set out at once and make for Mecca as quick as possible!

      The pagan troops in their hurry left all their heavy things, and made for Mecca in utmost haste and all confused! As a matter of fact they had reached none of their goals of their expedition, because Mohammad was still sound and safe and in power. At the price of a great loss of souls and property and in a confusion they killed and mutilated seventy of the believers.

      When the report of their flee reached Muslims, they took the heavy things they left in their haste as spoils, and the prophet predicted that in future GHOREISH would never obtain another victory like their's in the battle of Ohud, and his prediction was indeed true. And so: They returned with Grace and bounty from Allah. No harm touched them, because they followed the pleasure and the consent of God.''




Verses 172-174 verse 175