The verse then points at the mystery of life and death:


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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 02)
THE SPLITTER OF DAWN (VERSE NO. 95)VERSE NO. 96 This refers to other three astronomical bounties of God:


      The verse then points at the mystery of life and death:

      ``He brings the living out of the dead, and brings out the dead from the living.''

      In other word; the palm- tree and the sweet soft date comes out of the hard date- stone, and the date- stone which is so hard comes out of the soft flesh of date! How amazing indeed! Where lays the limit, or the wall, between the life and death - between the organic and ignorance? Where is the barrier between them? How does the one, change to the other, where does the cycle of, living from dead, and dead from the living begins, and where does it end? Who, and how, has planted and engraved so much merits, and so many abilities, qualities, and states, in such a small seed, that it can automatically undergo so many changes under the influences of sun ray, water vapour, and soil particles!? So much so that the little seed or particle automatically grows on conditions; and gradually changes into huge, amazing, and fruitful plant! I said automatically! I said so, but how do I know the truth? Is not a mysterious hand of All- power, All- knowledge and All- wisdom guiding the seed in its way of development, instant by instant and step by step?

      Perhaps in future, man discovers some more of the rules and regulation of God's universal plan through Botany and Biology, and could fabricate and invent out of the mother's womb, a superman with some extraordinary power and abilities. Such an invention; not only reduces nothing of man's inabilities and weakness; but on contrary it will increase man's perplexity upon this globe which no one can estimate its size comparing with the universe!

      According to some traditions that we have received from our innocent Imams; death and life here in this verse are not only the physical ones! It also implies the spiritual death and life through which a believer may be born of an unbeliever, and vice versa.




THE SPLITTER OF DAWN (VERSE NO. 95)VERSE NO. 96 This refers to other three astronomical bounties of God: