Cabbalas about Conjunction of Two Prayers


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Results of Insisting on Five Times in Islamic Societies1- Precise of Quoted Ahadith

It has been quoted about thirty cabbalas about conjunction of noon and afternoon prayer or sunset and night without pointing to travel, rain or risk of damage in famous resources like Sahih of Muslim, Bokhari, Sunan of Tirmizi, Muwatta’ of Malik, Musnad of Ahmad, Sunan of Nisa’ee, Musnaf of Abdul Razzaq and other books, which all of them are from famous and known resources of Ahl -e- Sonnat. These cabbalas mainly are quoted from five famous tellers:

1- Ibn Abbas

2- Jaber ibn Abdullah Ansari

3- Abu Ayyub Ansari

4- Abdullah ibn Omar

5- Abu Harira

Which a part of them will be shown as follows:

1- Abu Zubayr quotes from Saeed ibn Jubayr from Ibn Abbas: “Prophet of Allah (s.a.) performed prayers of noon and afternoon conjunct where there was no fear or travel”.

Abu Zubayr says that I asked Saeed ibn Jubayr: Why Prophet (s.a.) performed such an act?

Saeed said: I also asked the same question from ibn Abbas and he answered: “The purpose of his holiness was that none of his nation will be in trouble”.1

2- We read in another Hadith from Ibn Abbas: “Prophet (s.a.) performed prayers of noon and afternoon, and sunset and night conjunct without fear or rain and there written beneath the Hadith: They asked from Ibn Abbas that what the purpose of Prophet (s.a.) was from that?

He answered: “The purpose of his holiness was that none of Muslims will be in trouble”.2

3- Abdullah ibn Shaqiq says: “One day Ibn Abbas delivered a sermon for us after sunset prayer until sun went down and starts showed up. Crowd said prayer prayer, then a man from Bani Tamim tribe came and was continuously saying: Prayer! Prayer! Ibn Abbas said: You want to teach the tradition of Prophet (s.a.) to me, you rootless! Prophet of Allah (s.a.) performed prayers of noon and afternoon (and also) sunset and night conjunct. Abdullah ibn Shaqiq says: I doubted and I went to Abu Harira and asked him, and he confirmed the words of Ibn Abbas!”3

4- Jaber ibn Zayd says: Ibn Abbas said: “Holy prophet (s.a.) performed seven Rak’ats together and eight Rak’ats together (points to conjunction of sunset and night prayers, and noon and afternoon prayers”.4

5- Saeed ibn Jubayr quotes from Ibn Abbas: “Holy prophet (s.a.) performed prayers of noon and afternoon, and sunset and night conjunct in Medina, without any fear (of enemy) or rain, they asked Ibn Abbas that what the purpose of his holiness was from this act? He said: “He wanted that his nation were not in trouble”.5

6- Ahmad Hanbal has quoted this story similar, from Ibn Abbas in his Musnad book.6

7- Malik, famous Imam of Ahl -e- Sonnat, quotes from Ibn Abbas in the book “Muwatta’” without expressing anything about “Medina”: “Prophet of Allah performed prayers of noon and afternoon conjunct, and prayers of sunset and night conjunct without existence of fear (of enemy) or rain”.7

8- It has been quoted in the book “Musnaf of Abdul Razzaq” that Abdullah ibn Omar said: “Holy prophet preformed noon and afternoon prayers conjunct, while he was not in travel, somebody asked Ibn Omar why Prophet (s.a.) did that act you think? He said: “Because if anyone performed these prayers conjunct, then nobody will be in trouble (and nobody animadvert that person)”.8

9- Jaber ibn Abdullah says: “Prophet of Allah (s.a.) performed prayers of noon and after noon, and also sunset and night conjunct in purpose of permitting the nation to do the same, even if there is no fear or any other trouble”.9

10- Also Abu Harira says: “Prophet of Allah (s.a.) performed two prayers conjunct in Medina where there was no fear (of enemy)”.10

11- Abdullah ibn Mas’ood also quotes: “Prophet of Allah performed prayers of noon and afternoon, and also sunset and night conjunct, somebody asked for the reason. His holiness said: “I did this in order that my nation won’t be in trouble”.11

And other Ahadith;


There are two questions asked here:


1- Sahih of Muslim, vol.2, page 151.
2- Sahih of Muslim, vol. 2, page 152.
3- The Same evidence.
4- Sahih of Bokhari, vol. 1, page 140 (chapter of time of sunset).
5- Sunan of Tirmizi, vol. 1, page 121, Hadith 187.
6- Musnad of Ahmad, vol. 1, page 223.
7- Muwatta’ of Malik, vol. 1, page 144.
8- Musnaf of Abdul Razzaq, vol. 2, page 556.
9- Ma’aani Alathaar, vol. 1, page 161.
10- Musnad of Albazzaz, vol. 1, page 283.
11- Almo’jam Alkabir Tabarani, vol. 10, page 219, Hadith 10525.





Results of Insisting on Five Times in Islamic Societies1- Precise of Quoted Ahadith