Intercession (Shefa’at) of maintainers of Islam (Awliya Allah) is not just for their living time!


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Does requesting intercession agree the fundamentals of monotheism?Women and Pilgrimage of Tombs

By seeing above verses that show explicitly acceptance of prophets’ intercession and there is no chance to deny this issue, cavilers made another pretext and say: These verses are for their living time and there is no proof for after their demise. Thereupon they leave branch of “polytheism” and jump on another branch.

But here this question asked that does Prophet (s.a.) transforms to soil and vanished completely after his demise or, as some of Wahhabi scholars confessed in front of us, he has purgatory life?

If he doesn’t have, First: Is rank of Prophet (s.a.) lower than the rank of martyrs whom the verse “But they are alive fed by their god”1 descended for them?

Second: Do in testification (Tashahhud) of prayer which everyone says Salaam to his holiness and all Muslims of the world say “Salaam to you, prophet…”, they all say Salaam to a hallucinatory existence?

Third: Don’t you believe that people should talk whispery in Mosque of Prophet (s.a.) and near his sanctuary tomb because Qur'an says: “People who believe! Do not raise your voices above the voice of Prophet…“2 and you made this verse a sign and you have hanged it near the tomb of holy Prophet (s.a.)?

How can we accept these antithetical expressions?!

Forth: Death is not the end of life but secondary birth and expanse of life, “People are asleep and they wake up when they died”.3

Fifth: In a famous Hadith which quoted in reliable resources of Ahl -e- Sonnat we read: “Anyone who pilgrimage my tomb, my intercession for him/her is vested”.4

In another Hadith by that teller from holy Prophet we read: “Anyone who pilgrimages me after my demise, it is like that he/she had pilgrimaged me in my living time.”5

Therefore the difference between the living time and after death time is nothing more than a hallucination.

Moreover we recognize from these Ahadith that preparing to travel for pilgrimage of tomb of Prophet (s.a.) in Medina has no problem at all.

1- Aal -e- Imran Sura, verse 169.
2- Hojorat Sura, verse 2.
3- Avaali Alle’aali, vol. 4, page 73.
4- Darqotni the famous Hadith teller has quoted this Hadith in his book “Sunan” (traditions). (vol. 2, page 278) It is interesting that the late Allame Amini has quoted this Hadith from 41 famous books of Ahl -e- Sonnat! (Alghadeer, vol. 5, page 93).
5- The same evidence, Allame Amini has quoted that from 13 books.





Does requesting intercession agree the fundamentals of monotheism?Women and Pilgrimage of Tombs