Logical and Quoted Proofs for Not Falsification of Qur'an


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Do Not Deracinate Islam Because of Sectarian EnmityThe Last Expression

7- We believe that there are lots of logical and quoted proofs for not falsification of Qur'an, because Qur'an says: “We descended Qur'an and we are in charge of protecting it.”1

And it also says: “This book is certainly invincible, nothing false can reach it in front or from the back, because it is from the sage and admired Allah.”2

Is it possible that any person even think of falsification of the book which almighty Allah has undertaken to protect it?!

Also Qur'an was not a discarded or forgotten book which someone could add or reduce something from it.

Scribers of Qur'an which they have counted from 14 to 400 scribe and keep any verse as soon as it descended.

There were hundreds of Qur'an keepers (memorizers) in the age of Prophet (s.a.), who were keeping verses in their mind as soon as they descended.



In those days reading Qur'an was known as they most worship and Qur'an was being read days and nights.

Moreover Qur'an was the constitution of Islam and the law of living of Muslims and was present in all aspects of theirs lives.

Referring to wisdom and sanity we can find that this book cannot be falsified or adding or reducing.

Islamic cabbalas from our Imams (a.s.) insist on the purity, completeness and not falsification of Qur'an.

The Imam of Muslims Ali (a.s.) says explicitly in Nahjul Balagha: “Allah has descended a Qur'an which says all the things, and Allah gave Prophet (s.a.) life enough to complete the religion for you with Qur'an.3

In lots of sermons of Nahjul Balagha has talked about Qur'an, and in none of them you can see a word about falsification, but it clears the completeness of Qur'an.


In a Hadith from Imam Mohammad ibn Ali Taghi (a.s.) which had been said to one of his friends about aberrance of people from the right way, we can read: “A group of people left Qur'an in the way that they use its expressions but falsify their meanings.”4

This Hadith and other ones show that the words of Qur'an has remained unchanged and falsification has happened in theirs meanings, in the way groups translate and interpret Qur'an as they wish and for their personal purposes and interests.

From this we can reach a point that anytime something is said about falsification, it referred to falsification of meaning and interpretation by everyone’s own idea and it was not about the exact words and expressions of holy Qur'an.

In other hand we can read in a lot of cabbalas from our Imams (a.s.) that: “For assessing the correctness of falsehood of cabbalas compare them with Qur'an. Cabbalas which are according to Qur'an are correct and you can act upon them, but those which are against Qur'an are false and should be left unnoticed.”5This is a clear proof of not falsification of Qur'an, because if it was not, Qur'an cannot be the indicator for knowing right from wrong.

Moreover famous Hadith of Thaqalayn which can be found extensively in books of Shi’aa and Sonni6, Says that: The great Prophet (s.a.) Said: “I leave among you two valuable things, the book of Allah and my dynasty, which if you refer to them you will never be aberrant.”

This meaningful Hadith shows that holy Qur'an and the dynasty of Prophet (s.a.) are trusted shelters for guiding people through the day of judgment.

If Qur'an had been falsified, then how it could be a trusted shelter and save people from aberrance?7

1- Hijr Sura, verse 9.
2- Fosselat Sura, verses 41 & 42.
3- Nahjul Balagha, sermon 86.
4- Kafi, vol. 8, page 53.
5 Wasael Alshi’aa, vol. 18, page 80.
6 Bihar Al.Anwar, vol.36,p331.
7 For more information, refer to our Book Anwar Al-Usool vol.11.



Do Not Deracinate Islam Because of Sectarian EnmityThe Last Expression