Do Not Deracinate Islam Because of Sectarian Enmity


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Two Books from Two GroupsLogical and Quoted Proofs for Not Falsification of Qur'an

4- People who insist on accusing Shi’aa for believing the falsification of Qur'an may not noticed that are deracinating Islam due to sectarian enmity, because enemies say: purity and not falsification of Qur'an is not decided between Muslims because a large group of them believe on falsification. We admonish these brothers that do not target the heart of Islam which is Qur'an due to sectarianism and fanatic enmities.

Let’s think about Islam and not to be cruel to it and don’t say this much about falsification and do not give them pretext for attacking Islam.


5- This accusation has been so developed that in one of my pilgrimages of Ka’ba (Umra) I met minister of religious affairs of Saudi Arabia and he welcomed me, but he said: “I heard that you have a Qur'an different from ours!!”

I told him that checking for the correctness of this issue is so simple. You yourself or one of your agents can return with us (I pay the way) to Tehran. Qur'an is available in all mosques and homes in there and there are hundreds of mosques and hundreds of thousands of homes in Tehran. Choosing the mosque and the home on your choice, we knock the door, read and inspect the Qur'an and you will find that there is not even a word different from any other Qur'an in Islamic countries in our Qur'an. The great scholar like you should not be trapped in these factitious rumors!

6- Our lectors won the first prize in many of international tournaments, and our Qur'an keepers (memorizers) especially children amazed a lot of Islamic countries.

Every year thousands of persons added to our Qur'an lectors and keepers and classes for memorizing, reading and interpretation of Qur'an and also colleges of Qur'an sciences distributed all over our broad country, and proving all this can be done simply by watching this programs for everyone.

In all these programs there is no Qur'an except that famous and general Qur'an which all the Muslims have and nobody knows another Qur'an and in no meeting you can hear words about falsification of this holy book.




Two Books from Two GroupsLogical and Quoted Proofs for Not Falsification of Qur'an